Saturday, February 22, 2025

Vintage Acoustic Guitar Tone that fits in YOUR MIX!

I’m trying to get the classic acoustic guitar tone of the late 1960s and early 1970s that’s both warm and punchy. I’m using an amazing S. Yairi YD-404 Martin Pre War D28 copy which I’m miking with a Peluso 2247LE big condenser U47 clone though a Universal audio LA-610 Pream and Compressor and a 1973 UREI 1176LN rev.F.

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#Vintage #Acoustic #Guitar #Tone #fits #MIX

Originally posted by UCyaStghQb7_e51PgH8bUkzg at

40 thoughts on “Vintage Acoustic Guitar Tone that fits in YOUR MIX!

  • Sounds a little distant to me, but I love the tone of it. It does sound cool! Now the "distant" thing, that's totally whatever you're going for. It will sit perfectly in the background under some vocals if that's what you're going for. Sounds straight out of the 70s

  • I see friends talking about the acoustic track being too compressed. Please do not get me wrong but I always hear over-compressed, almost smashed stuff on old tracks. Especially drums. Would you agree?

  • Sounds good! Maybe a little dry signal blended back in for some parallel compression would do the trick. Loved the time lapse at the end ????????

  • love your videos as allways. However, I would prefer a more upfront sound of the acoustic.

  • Certainly super compressed, you can hear the "breathing" of the comps release but it sounds super vintage. Very cool, never woulda guessed. Great job as always!

  • you're definitely on the right track, keep tweaking it. and if you find a solution let me know please cause I'm also working on acoustic recording. if I can share with you my progress so far. I take a large condenser mic and small condenser mic like rode nt55, I space them about 90 cm apart, the large condenser (from my vantage is just right of the sound hole) the small rode nt55 is about half way in front of the fretboard. There are no phasing issues, with two signals recorded I can either dial in more bass or more treble and mix them to taste.

  • Hey Johan! Surprised to see an old S.Yairi in your video! How do you like it? I have one myself, and trying to find some info about this guitars. There is not much on the internet

  • sounds great! been watching your channel for a while and your use of visuals combined with your superb recording makes your videos amazing

  • It is quite compressed, but that's what one's got to do to make acoustics sit well in a full rock mix imho. Reminds me of those crunchy Keith Richards acoustic guitar tones.

  • I love the UA 610 channel strip. I find the compressor is great, however really starts chomping the life out of the signal when push to ohard. Great for when taming slower transients, but it gets to be too much trying to comp faster transients. Hitting the LA610 comp lighter would allow you to better compress with the 1176 after the fact. The 1176 FET type compressor can be set to catch faster transients allowing you to preserve my dynamic range while getting a thicker or punchier tone, alas you won't always get both!

    Try much it ess compression on the LA610 (2-3 dbs at most,) use the 1176 in a fast mode to catch & release transients faster.

  • It sounds fantastic. Its the rare quality for an acoustic track of attitude. It sounds powerful

  • Sounds pretty good. Although personally I prefer to place the mic at the 12th fret of the guitar neck….I find you get a nice clear sound and you can add low end to it without it becoming too boomy. Good luck.

  • johan, you are getting a nice room tone, but you need a better sounding room. bigger room? large bathroom? in this room you would want to close-mic at 12th fret towards soundhole. A big room (church?) this would sound cool. in omni pattern.

  • Interesting tone. Not trying to be critical, but feels like a person playing over jamtrack to my ears, versus sitting with the band. Maybe a AM vibe, but not for me.

  • A bit longer attack time, a little faster release, and a little less ratio to bring out some more dynamics and sparkle.
    If that doesn't work, just smash it against the wall and lay down a strat track instead.

  • I thought the acoustic should be more present in the mix.
    Does the acoustic have bone nut, saddle & bridge pins ?

  • you might be surprised by how good the beyer m160 sounds on acoustics, I use it a lot and sometimes add a high end boost.

  • It's definitely on the extreme end of compression for acoustic tone, but in a very dense track this would definitely work.

  • i personally think it's too compressed because it almost sounds like drop outs in the frequency's between cord changes

  • A bit too much compression here. There's audible pumping from all that compression.

  • You should try and time the release a bit more to the timing of the song so the effect doesn't seem so drastic. In the beginning bit, a bit faster release might be better. On the longer notes, the slow release gives it a nicer bloom.

  • Haven’t heard the word “decimetres” for distance for a while. You’re gonna really confuse the US contingent! (US viewers: 3 decimetres is 30cms, which is 12”).

  • Well done Brother!
    Nothing is" lost" in the mix. Nothing
    is above level and feels natural.
    Enjoyable and Lively, Thanksfor sharing Johan! Be Well All!

  • The tone is great and sits nicely in the mix. But it's too much (audible) compression for my taste. Maybe try only the 1176 with a faster attack to even out the dynamics. The combination sounds like it's pumping a bit.

  • love this performance – really looking forward to hearing your recordings!

  • Hi, Johan!
    This video makes me cry. My Martin was stolen. I am working with Takamine eaf 261 San. Very nice instrument, actually very old and rare japanese.
    The mix is OK, but I think, you could get this sound from the Strat or Tele. I use a lot of distortion, so I am playing on my 87 Washburn, but Fender makes it good. And one more chance is Ibanez. They are very fun in their acoustic..
    I am not so much good with those compressors. I was very happy to see, how you are recording one song. Must be interesting to see it!


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