Vintage Acoustic Tones WITHOUT the Vintage PRICE?
#Vintage #Acoustic #Tones #Vintage #PRICE
Originally posted by UCqWwAvbf1wi-HSxP_3vtq5w at
#Vintage #Acoustic #Tones #Vintage #PRICE
Originally posted by UCqWwAvbf1wi-HSxP_3vtq5w at
Can you send me a guitar. I'm from srilanka..
How much?
Do you have international shipping?
Wow how do you build those sweet guitars so adorable?
Your guitars do look and sound great
Love from india
Ngl this guitar sounds perfect. Too bad I’m not looking for guitars right now
Did you deliver in india
Looks beautiful, Orangewood and Yamaha are extremely underrated
U probably should cut those strings up too
If only u ship outside the US
Can I know the price ??
I have one and love it . . . Holds it’s own against martins that are double the price
That’s nice
Yo guys got any 12 string?
What is price