Thursday, March 13, 2025
BassBass Guitar

Vintage Bass: Fender vs MusicMan vs Rickenbacker vs Gibson. Which One’s Best??

In this bass gear video, I demo six vintage bass guitars. A 1968 Fender Precision, 1978 Fender Precision, 1975 Fender Jazz, 1978 MusicMan StingRay, 1979 Rickenbacker 4001, and a 1973 Gibson EB3.

Players like James Jamerson, Paul McCartney, Chris Squire, Geddy Lee, Jack Bruce, Carole Kaye, and many more used these!

If you want to see and hear what a vintage bass guitar sounds like then watch this video.

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#Vintage #Bass #Fender #MusicMan #Rickenbacker #Gibson

Originally posted by UClSFbAjrCEoL0wUwUHFEAjQ at

43 thoughts on “Vintage Bass: Fender vs MusicMan vs Rickenbacker vs Gibson. Which One’s Best??

  • Surprised by how good the ric sounds (not around them much to know). Chris Squire and Paul D'Amour with Tool (using chrises signature model) – i loved listening to those guys, and man, it truly jsut sounds great.

    I like the way it looks but its certainly an acquired taste. If it it had a more modern look, it would get more love im sure. Sounds phenomenal and more versatile than I expected.

  • I go for GIBSON!!!
    Mark Burgess from The Chameleons and Peter Hook HOOKY VIKING from Joy Division and New Order he used it before!!!
    ???? ????????

  • you should add that Ibanez Musician on there or part 2 if you bought more ????

  • What is it about Rics? I always loved the look and the sound especially in the hands of say Chris Squire.So i bought a 4001 about 35 years ago and I hated it.I still love it's style though.So I bought a cheap Harley Benton copy and modded it with a Hip Shot Ric bridge and Nostrom pups.I scratched my itch for under $600, and im pretty satisfied. Cheers!

  • Great great great !!!!!! My very favourite is thé rosewood je, very versatyle !!!

  • Modern RIC's are extremely versatile basses (more so than the vintage 4001, because it was designed to compete with both the P and the J bass). Why does everybody fixate only on the unique RIC sounds, as if it can do nothing else? That does great disservice to a very versatile instrument. While it 'is' true that the others enjoy very limited tonal latitude, that is not the case with a RIC. Because of this, of all of them, a RIC would be the best one solution bass; not the least of which is because it is the only one that can sound like a RIC, while still sounding both P and J bass vintage, as well as Music Man modern.

  • The Gibson EB has the Mudbucker in the correct position IMO, more P bass in regards of position, I think the neck is Maple? Gibson changed from Mahogany neck to Maple about 1972. A very desirable bass, funny you said about playing Soul on it, John Entwistle said he used an EB on Substitute so as to not sound so James Jamerson

  • The strings on your 68 P are definitly not the James Jamerson's. I think you have the FL set 043-104. The Jamerson set is the M 052-110 with a much thicker core and sound.

  • Very cool, you can just hear the songs coming back from the good all days. Great to hear the difference in tones.

  • Pull out the Precision we all know they are the benchmark to which all others will be judged. then you can debate about the others.

  • The Rickenbacker, hands down. In the 80's, I used to record at New York's Powerstation studio. At my first session, I brought my 75 Rickenbacker 4001 to the studio. After 5 minutes, they called SIR rehearsal studio and rented me a Fender Jazz and asked me to play that instead. Back then, not too many engineers knew how to get a good tone out of a RIC. Most of it was laziness. I would mention to them that the sound coming through the amp sounded great and they should use that. These were the days of the direct box only recording method. There were no SansAmps or any bass processing equipment, just a countryman direct box, and if you were lucky, they would mic the bass amp. That was it. Nowadays, the engineers have so much processing power, that you can walk into a studio with a piece of firewood and Twine and they would make it sound great.

  • the size of the neck, or the fatness [profile], varies. i think the slimmer neck on your 78 pbass is a 'C'. am i right?

  • I'm surprised no Dingwall owners (Dinglewallies) chimed in to proclaim their bass is superior to all basses, both new and old.

  • The 70s Music Man Basses are sweet!, but everything that came afterwards was garbage. The new ones sound like tin cans.

  • I have 3 basses, P strung B,E,A,D, another P strung with flats and a PJ strung with rounds. Don't need anything else ????

  • I remember years ago playing a mexican p-bass for some recordings. It weighed a ton but the neck was so smooth and it had such a lovely tone.

  • My go-to bass for recording is 1974 ash/maple Precision with Hi-Beams.

  • Jaqzz Bass Pro Tip: Back off the bridge PU just to 9 and, by "de-humbucking" the circuit it gets discernibly louder and aggressiver.
    (at least my Warmoth JB does that, and it has a legacy circuit)

  • Jazz bass are the best…but your have to look around to find one that suits you…especially neck wise…i own a AVRI64 and couldn't be happier…

  • I have an Warwick now, I´d like to try a MusicMan, but here in Brazil the prices on some basses are bizarre!… For me Fender Jazz has the best neck in terms of confort


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