Sunday, March 9, 2025

Vintage Fender Tweed Amps With Jesse Hoff & Ed Oleszko [7 Vintage Tweeds Cranked!]

Celebrating the guitar amps that birthed rock’n’roll

Welcome to the show. This one has been a loooong time coming and so we are delighted to welcome to Schwangri-La, Mr Jesse Hof of Lazy J amps and Ed Oleszko, all-round guitar guy and old chum.
Between them (and Mike at ATB) we’ve brought together a bevvy of incredible vintage Fender Tweed models in order to loosely knit together the story of these fundamentally important guitar amplifiers. Their genesis and evolution goes hand-in-hand with the story of rock’n’roll music as we know it, first defining the sounds of electric guitar through the 1950s then falling from wider popularity in later decades as stages got louder and tastes moved on. As the 21st century approaches its quarter point however, you could argue that these timeless gems are as relevant in today’s recording and live music than at any point in their history.
Let’s get into in – enjoy the show!

Check out Jesse’s amps:

Interesting bits and go to sections…
0:00 Intro playing
0:44 Welcome Jesse & Ed!
1:45 Today’s amps
2:40 Tweed & the birth of rock’n’roll
4:30 Naming conventions
6:20 What happened in 1951?
13:10 The birth of the teenager
16:00 PLAYING ’51 Fender Deluxe – OMG!
18:30 PLAYING ’61 5E3 Fender Deluxe
23:10 They weren’t made for just guitars
27:00 Why has the Deluxe endured?
32:25 PLAYING ’58 Tremolux
38:00 No reverb?
39:40 Tweed sizes
42:22 The Tweed Bandmaster & Pete Townshend
43:00 PLAYING ’54 Fender Super
45:45 PLAYING ’1955/56 Fender Super
50:38 What about the Fender Bassman?
55:30 Birth of Marshall
58:30 High Powered Tweed Twin
1:02:00 No Tweed EL84 amps
1:03:00 Birth of the 6L6 valve
1:08:35 PLAYING ’56 Fender Bassman
1:13:00 PLAYING ’58 High Powered Fended Tweed Twin
1:20:00 Jesse’s amp history- the start of Lazy J
1:34:15 Why Lazy J?
1:37:00 PLAYING Dan’s Lazy J 20
1:39:00 PLAYING Lazy J 40 – it’s a 40!

Pedals & Stuff used in this show
TheGigRig Three2One

Sonic Research Turbo Tuner 200

Amps used in today’s show
• 1951 5A3 Fender Deluxe
• 1961 5E3 Fender Deluxe

• 1954 5D4 Fender Super
• 1955/’56 5F4 Fender Super

• 1958 5E9-A Fender Tremolux

• 1956 5E6 Fender Bassman
• 1958 5F8-A Fender Twin

• Lazy J 20
• Lazy J 40 (sorry it says 80 on screen!)

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#Vintage #Fender #Tweed #Amps #Jesse #Hoff #Oleszko #Vintage #Tweeds #Cranked

Originally posted by UCnUXq8mGmoHt0e6ItuTs10w at

24 thoughts on “Vintage Fender Tweed Amps With Jesse Hoff & Ed Oleszko [7 Vintage Tweeds Cranked!]

  • What's funny in the late 80's when I was starting everyone said "get a 100 watt solid state, tube amps aren't dependable" today I know that a simple tube amp like a 5E3 is the most dependable and easy to fix amp you can get. There's literally a handful of Capacitors and resistors with a couple tubes and everything is easy to get to and easily fixable. The modern tube amps are the worst. Look at the schematic for a blues Deville vs a Pro-Amp from the 50's. It makes you wonder why the simple old amp which sounds better isn't just duplicated. I get they are trying to stick in bells and whistles but IMHO they aren't needed.

  • What I notice on the tweed circuits is that after about 4 or 5 you don't really get much louder just more saturated and compressed.

  • It's about time we had "That Pedaless Show"! No offense, I think pedal can have their place, I just get better tones with just my guitar plugged into an amp, maybe just a graphic EQ pedal with a gain control to use as a boost, some amp reverb and tremolo and thats all I need or even want. I also have an early 80's TS-9, a 80's Cutec analog delay pedal, a EP-2 Echoplex tape delay and a Klon clone but I really never use them. Maybe if I was in a cover band and was trying to mimic different classic songs but I have done my own music for 40 years.

  • Beautifully designed mass production artefacts like these are a testament to the meaning of "This can be yours for life". Wonderful

  • Hearing the history of these amps and how they have evolved was some really incredible information to hear. I never knew that these were the original PA systems and they were designed to be read from the back while they were on the front of the stage. Every time I've ever seen an amp that had the controls like that I always thought boy that's kind of an awkward place to put the controls. But after hearing the historical context it makes perfect sense. Anyways this was an absolutely amazing video. Really like the standing format. All of you guys are like walking encyclopedias of awesomeness.

  • Unreal episode. Great (and utterly different) tone after tone. In the spirit of folk requesting custom builds: Mike Hermans and Brian Wampler? Solo or custom Twin?

  • Excellent video. I have a Tweed Champ, a Princeton, and a Vibrolux. Shout out to Franklyn Amps!

  • So good boys. Absolutely outstanding or fabulous you say. Greetings from St Louis MO. Anyone who wants to take a 101 class in amps should definitely watch this. Love the show ????

  • I just came back to listen to that Tremolux again. Absolute star of the show for me. That's the star of the show for me – Just need to find the £6-15k for an original one behind the sofa cushions…! (Wonder what the later reissued Clapton Sig is like!)

  • This probably has to be my favorite episode you guys have done! I have a clone of a high powered twin with a master volume (thank god) and it's absolutely perfect. Cleans are beautiful and the distortion is very very dynamic. I feel like I can do it all with that amp and a simple pedalboard. You guys are great ????

  • The 59 Fender Twin is my all time favorite amp. Even Derek Trucks uses a clone of it. Say no more


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