Vintage V6M24 Guitar | Review
“It should give some of its competitors cause for a long, hard look at their own offerings.”
Vintage V6M24 Guitar Review by Guitar Interactive Magazine. Reviewed in Issue 38 of Guitar Interactive Magazine by Tom Quayle
Welcome to GI 38, another bumper edition of the world’s favourite online guitar mag!
We’ve three fabulous players featured inside – from the electric world, the amazing Paul Gilbert makes his long awaited debut, with a long interview filmed in his LA studio. Returning to the fold is the great Michael Schenker, filmed in London, and finally, as a Quiet Room Special, we have the incredible Antoine Dufour, the Canadian acoustic guitarist who not only gave us his time for an in-depth interview but also performed live in our studio. Whatever you do, don’t miss this!
As always, we’ve a packed issue of reviews, with an expanded Quiet Room section plus our usual full review line-up of guitars, amps, FX, basses, acoustics, home/project studio and live gear (not to mention the unstoppable Jaime Vendera!). All that plus our free tuition columns.
As for competitions, this is our best ever issue! We’ve got a signature Ibanez Paul Gilbert guitar, the amazing Seven Sisters FX pedals from Red Witch and handmade Manuel Rodriguez classical guitar ALL up for grabs in this issue’s competitions!
This is our last issue for 2015 (don’t worry – Issue 39 is in production right now) so thanks for being with us and stay tuned for next year. GI – still growing and still unique!
#Vintage #V6M24 #Guitar #Review
Originally posted by UCS3QTujyp5t2nSSzktYFzWA at
what amp is being used?
When Tom still had hair. Thanks for the review mate!
Website shows 15" radius fingerboard which is very flat, but in reality the fingerboard does not look like it's 15 inch.
what amp he used?
was looking at a jackson for a hundred more, but it's junk. this is it!
I have my eye on one of these locally. Thanks for the video.
How many pieces of body wood?
Very impressive guitar!
Hi , I have a Vintage Brand guitar VR-2000EMB Metal Axxe RAIDER. Where and what information can I find about this guitar by its serial number? Somebody knows?
where can i buy it ?
It also comes in black.
I'm considering buying one. I woukd like to ask about one thing. Cutaways doesn't seem very deep in this model. How about the accesibility to the upper frets (22-24)?
So you are Tom Coil? And… are you single, Coil?
Tom can make "car like Renault 4 to racing car" !!! Amazing player play amazing on everything !!!
I wish these kind of axes were around in the 80s, would probably be £100 new back then.
I have a Vintage V6 and after replacing the pickups with Dimarzio's it sounds much better. Stock humbucker pickups seem to be too hot and ugly sounding lower output buckers are much nicer and rounder sounding.
I have one in this color. Someone had already put Grover locking tuners on it, and I slapped a pair of Bill Lawrence XL500's in it… KILLER AXE. Stays in tune great, and sounds fantastic. Several guys have offered to buy it from me…. Of course – not for sale. Did I mention I paid $50 for it? (the guy kept the pickups)
Sounds like a guitar. Looks like a badly painted ironing board in luminescent snot-green. Yuck!
This man can really play a guitar. Superb!!
This is like a Charvel but for better price!!!! WOW
good value, but that truss rod cover makes it look el cheapo !
Hi. Very nice vid. Does the neck and headstock have any type of glued joint? Or is it one piece neck? Thanks.
this guitar just have 3 colour,yellow,green and blue.why not sunburn colour??but I'm really like it bodyshape
Nice Guitar
where can i buy it?
how does it sound when to play more heavier music?