VOX VX50 BA – Demo!
There simply is no way you’ll believe your ears when you hear the power and low end that comes rushing from Vox’s VX50 BA combo bass amplifier. This pint-size powerhouse utilizes NuTube preamp technology with 50 watts of power and a custom-designed bass reflex structure cabinet. See what the hype is all about with the Vox VX50 BA 50-watt bass combo amplifier with Sabri!
Check the new VOX VX50 BA Bass Guitar Amp and all the VX50 Series amps on our website :
BA : https://goo.gl/tA7cdD
AG : https://goo.gl/U8jN8H
KB : https://goo.gl/x8H8ZJ
#VOXamps #VoxMY #VX50 #VX50BA #NuTube #BassAmps #50Watt #MusicMalaysia #MalaysianMusicians #SeniDanMuzikTanahAir #Music #Musicians #Musician #MusicPorn #MusicLove #KualaLumpur #KL #Ipoh #PartneringYourMusicalJourney #CKMusic
#VOX #VX50 #Demo
Originally posted by UCZdwA5yIP3kCf971edoNnwA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vvTc8RGCjE
is this ok for small gig?
Nice demo
I've been looking for a small practice amp at home, and I think I am SOLD on this VOX, even over Phil Jones and Hartke
Great review! Thanks for not turning it into a slap fest
Awesome job brother I have this amp and love it
You're playing it through the DI out, which tells us nothing about how the amp really sounds. Put a mic in front of it, and let us hear the SPEAKER.
Does this amp have a cooling fan? My ampeg has an annoying cooling fan that is way too loud…
Does it run with batteries?
Does it run with batteries?
I'm not a bass player but you're one boring bass player…. Get some tips from other bass amp reviewers….
Like token, you can play bass (south park)
Any one how this compares to the 8 inch mark bass speaker?
Best demo ever, that boy is very cool
Man, I gotta get one! Love the compression, overdrive and line out.
Does the amp have a lot of hiss/noise on high volume or gain settings?