Monday, March 10, 2025

39 thoughts on “Wampler EGO 76 Compressor

  • Thank you for your very good demo. That was a catchy tune! is it a part of a whole song? -if so I would very much like to know where I can listen to the song?

  • Finally, someone who will show a compressor at its extreme settings. I get so frustrated with compressor reviews because they never show what the thing will actually produce. Like a broken record each one of them that reviews it is always saying these words.
    “ I just like a little compression’ and then they get rid of anything you could possibly hear by bringing in the parallel dry signal all day long. Those make for terrible reviews. This man had the intelligence to do it right to actually show what it would do. Good job.????

  • Very, very nice piece to demo this. Really excellent. Finally I hear what this pedal is really capable of. It can be set to have a bit of 1176 action, the signature fast, level dependent release which was impossible to hear on the Wampler videos.

    I agree with you re blend. Contrary to so much ill-informed advice, we owners of the actual UREI 1176 do not waste our time with parallel compression. Ditto LA-2A, LA-3, LA-4, etc… you get the picture. If you’ve got the best chocolate, diluting it with water is pointless. All the UREI, dbx, Neve, API, SSL compressors I use have the perfect set of controls to get the best out of them.

    I wish Mr. Wampler himself could realize the harm done to sales by his guitar playing on his own videos. I’ve come close to offering a constructive comment to him directly but can’t imagine anything I’m willing to say would sway him an inch.

  • Which BRAND of Guitar WALL HANGER are you Using…? I'm looking to get one or two 5 Guitar Unit Size, Soon… , but haven't made up my mind yet..? And, are they Secured Directly into the Studs in the Wall… ? I am also interested in getting this compressor. Thanks!!

  • Great breakdown. Had been eyeing UA's 1176 mini pedal but the extra blend and tone controls on the EGO 76 add a lot of usability. And the Ego is a bit cheaper, to boot. This is the first vid of yours I've watched, instantly subbed when done. 2 thumbs up for your detailed and "easy listening" approach. 'LOVED your opening jam. Some of the sounds you dialed in during the demo were so SD "Hey 19" – very cool.

  • Enough of that nonsense….WHAT nonsense. I get more from 5 minutes of listening to you and guys like Pete Thorn and Brett Kingman than many others.

  • Wampler says since the compressor is often (always?) added later in the signal chain in the studio he added the tone and blend control because those would be in play ahead of the compressor anyway as part of the signal chain.

    Great demo of how it works. A lot of times because compression is a "subtle" effect the demos do it no good. You made it really easy to hear and demonstrated the effect exceptionally.

  • Gosh Darnnit Shawn! You have such tone in your paws! Question… which amp were you playing through for this? Was it the D40? Thanks Bro!

  • COMPRESSURE would be a good pedal name…

    Tone control and mix are great features to any compressor circuit. I like how this sounds and how much this does with such a small footprint.

  • thank you for the complete review. It added to your tone but unfair to the compressor your so good your tone didnt change much. Your tone sounds amazing whatever your playing.

  • I always wondered why they don't up the voltage with compressors….I would thing 18 volt or even 24 volt would make it better…..and most power bricks can handle that……

  • Great stuff Shawn! You could play a guitar made out of cardboard and it would still sound beautiful.

  • I like how you are so relaxed in how you deliver. I subbed for that reason. You are very easy to watch and enjoy.


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