Wayfaring Stranger Guitar Lesson–Two Solos!
Lesson link: https://banjobenclark.com/lessons/wayfaring-stranger-guitar-advanced – Let’s pick a couple solos for “Wayfaring Stranger” in A minor! The first is a Carter-style melody presentation and the second imports some Tony-type blues influence. Gold Pick members at http://BanjoBenClark.com receive:
– 20+ minutes video instruction!
– Tabs in pdf/tef file formats!
– Mp3 rhythm tracks!
#Wayfaring #Stranger #Guitar #LessonTwo #Solos
Originally posted by UCIDxRRdowWusv8-IO0lpVfg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfDnOdxKsMw
This edit is dangerously addictive
That's most incredible picking everything is in that tune

to much talking
i need to know what's the name of this kind of playing guiar

I know what I'm doing when I get home!
This was a well done lesson. Thanks.
Ima need sum tabs to the bluesy solo
That is so wonderful
this is great. on my way over to your website now
don't watch/listen to this channel if you're not keen on smiling when you jam.
Going way to fast and not breaking it down
Great lesson man, thanks a lot. But when I do the strumming, it does not sound like wayfaring at all
the pattern is basic u d in repeats yes?
Where can I buy the pdf of the solo ?
Nice work. Enjoyed it.
How are your hammer ons so easy I feel like I have to put all of my finger strength down to get a clean sound?
O myyyy God it's awesome !
Great i have learned a lot from you. I've only learned until you have to go to the gold pickers site to learn the rest of the song ,great idea. When the funds roll in I'll join I tried blues,rock, Spanish music from were im from, and heavy medal and I have learned a lot. Leared alot from Stitch Method guitar on the youtube. This is what I like hope to join soon your a great guitar player and teacher who wants to share. You did not put your talent under a rock so God bless you for that…Thank you….Roland from Magdalena New Mexico USA.
Phenomenal!! Just what I was looking for!
Currently learning this as a beginner – in E… strumming…but sounded BLAH. No jazz…
I play other instruments, and perform, but guitar is new- about 1.5 yrs.
Most of my songs are 3-5 chords…this one's no exception, but I needed the PUNCH. TY!!
You make it look so easy ????
It doesn’t change keys. The chord progression for A minor include C major and F major.
One of the best guitar teaching videos I have ever seen. Explains every note and chord quickly but well (I don't like to sit around and wait; he's straight to the point), no bs, great song, and wonderful tabs.
Very good,
Greetings from Switzerland
is anyone else goin around looking for a lesson on the version troy baker played
Please break it down more for us not so advanced players I'm talking about name each string each finger each lick please I want to learn this so bad but you're moving to fast and not enough info thanks you're awesome by the way
wow that second version was superb but I am 10 years from being able to do that. Jenny
Awesome licks! I'm currently working on this version. Thanks
Love this bluesy solo. Thanks for doing this awesome song. Swampy indeed.
where is the solo lession ? can you plz give us a link..
Do you sell individual song lessons?
This was great…wish my fingers could bend that way…my joint pain keeps me from picking the notes.
I love how you set up your cameras, wish more instructors would do it your way.
Thats great …. got no money for a membership but ….. thumbs up and subscribed
is that geetar a d18ge?
Howdy Ag. Like your tunes. Very talented. Pick on wayne, pick on garth.
Good bull.
Love it!
Did you ever tried Wegen picks?
What sort of pick do you usually use ?
Excellent Lesson as usual……I'm goin there…….I hope !
Ben this is definitely cool
This sounds so good