Weekly Bass Tip #5 – Playing with a…capo? That’s odd!
Every Monday from now until whenever!
Trying playing bass with a capo! It will yield interesting results.
#Weekly #Bass #Tip #Playing #a…capo #odd
Originally posted by UCnkp4xDOwqqJD7sSM3xdUiQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LIQKmC3BnA
I love this video exists!!!
Louis Cole played I Am Tight with capo
I play a Fodera and can't afford a capo
10 years ago today, huh
I was very happy when I asked the question "Can you use a capo on a bass guitar?" and Adam from a decade ago answered me with examples! Thank you!
So your open string becomes F and you were originally that half step lower'
Exactly. When I'm playing slapbass, I tend to slap a LOT of open strings and I'd like to have a little more variety than just E and A. B isn't really an option (too low for my taste and a 5-string is too much muting maintenance), but I'd love to tune down and capo up and give myself all kinds of open slap options.
3:50 is the best part of the video. Thanks for these tips.
,…Thanks. ????????
Me wondering why he doesn’t just go to drop d
Adam with a goatee is different
this got recommended to me in 2021 and I feel like I've entered an alternate universe
I have another great idea on using a capo. Instead of buying a short scale bass why not just tune the bass down a whole step and put a capo on the 2nd fret. I measured it and it's exactly 30" I could not believe it. Now I have a capo on my 5 string bass, and I have re-strung it for standard 4 strings on the top 4 and an extra high bass string you can buy separately or it comes with a 6 string bass set. Now I have a short scale bass, and I can play half a step down or D without retuning, and when playing those high notes it's really cramped on a short scale bass, but with that extra string I can play down the neck where it's really comfortable. I'm really exited about this development. I have tried it on a few songs, it might be a problem with 'Welcome to the Jungle' I have yet to try it. It's a little bit of a reach to get that top string, but since you are playing short scale it gives you a little extra room to reach it, so even long scale players might like this.
that's one obnoxious fucking tone, I understand why he switched to the precision
Dude…u r really awesome
Adam Durst from Bass Bizkit
Adam in 2013 : "check out this thing I've been working on"
Good video, thank you. One thing you may want to mention is that now your dot inlays are not going to be there for you as they normally would be, so they'll be an adjustment there. Also base capo comes in handy for songs that for instance are in the key of A flat but play better in G so you can work off of the open string vocabulary.. In any case, good job.
Wow nice video, this guy is really a good bassist! I hope he's still playing
Kindly do capo on the last pfret…
Adam when he’s not as clean cut looking is weird
This is a great way to turn a 34" scale BEADG 5 string into a short scale EADGC 5 string
c h e c k m a t e
Thank you, these are great ideas! Inspiring as well!
3:50 Priceless! But of course this entire idea of capoing bass is great.
Josh Fossgreen and this guy are the first two I have heard use a capo on a bass. I went and bought myself a pair of capos for both of my electric basses and I have to say: if you are stuck in a musical rut, you've got to try this out for slapping, chords, and harmonics.
How about if you, as a bass player, find yourself playing with people who randomly decide to throw a capo on their guitars without letting you know, and now I have to transpose everything. Wouldn’t it be easier to just capo along with them?
I have been thinking about to use my basses with capo too. It sound sweet.
It's like this one video was your "whacky" phase.
That goatee is m i g h t y
why the beard?
I hope Adam gets rid of the goatee in a few years
Did your head just get cold? I had long hair for years, most of my life, then cut it short for a decade, then accidentally grew it long again … and, boy, I realized again how warm it’d been keeping my scalp, how much I’d missed my flowing long natural scarf-hat-shawl: horrible Illinois winters and short hair don’t mix! Were you just cold? (…Is your chin cold too now?)
3:51 lol
That Goatee, love it!
That beard
Adam sports the hip jazz beard, from the 1950's
A happier Adam?
That lick soudns alot like something from the legend of zelda lol
First bald, then the head hari, but beforee all that, he has a goatee!?
That chin beard OOF
Sounds nice man! So many creative tips, thank you so much! What capo you use?