Sunday, March 16, 2025
BassGuitar Tips & Hacks

What Amp and Settings Do I Use? Fender CyberTwin Amp – Deluxe Reverb ’65

A common question I get on my videos (especially Modest Mouse and Nirvana videos) is what amp and settings do I use. Well, here’s a video to show you. For the Amp, I use a Fender CyberTwin. I tend to use the Deluxe Reverb ’65 amp model.

Knobs are set to:
Trim – 4
Gain – 7
Volume – 5.5
Treble – 8
Middle – 6.5
Bass – 4
Presence – 4
Reverb – 3

Amp also says: Blk-Pre No FX

I like to use this amp model because it sounds like a “classic tone” for the type of music I’m into. It sounds a lot like Modest Mouse or the clean tone of Nirvana. Sometimes I will add more reverb, cranking it up from 3 to 7.

Here’s info from Fender on the Cyber Twin…
The Fender Cyber Twin SE Amp is Fender’s best guitar amp. A 2×12 combo with tube preamp, reconfigurable analog and digital circuitry, motorized knobs, and a 2x65W power amp. Includes two footswitches, wheels, and a cover. With new cosmetics, it does everything the original model did with new effects and effect combinations, models, timbre filters, and much more.

– Tasteful cosmetics: black control panel with blue jewel, white LEDs, silver buttons and trim; dark black/silver grille cloth
– Many useful, fun new effects including autopan delay, fuzz, lo-fi resolver, pedal pitcher, green stompbox overdrive, blackie mid boost, and alienator
– Effect combinations like delay + pedal wah, fuzz + touch wah, octaver + tape echo
– 250 total presets: 100 Fender Custom Shop, 100 Player’s Lounge, 50 amp collection
– Presets include artist-authored presets from Greg Koch and Gary Hoey
Level 4 drive circuitry for more extreme distortion tones
– 2 new tone stacks: NeoBritish and Dirty DynaTouch
– Improved amp filtering for more natural, airy highs on some presets; 4 new timbre filters including Metal Drop Scoop, Mid Squawk, Super Bright, and Acoustic Scoop
– Patented hum reduction with automatic 50/60Hz discrimination, selectable with front panel button and LED
– Externally accessible tubes (two 12AX7s) with tube rattle prevention system
– External speaker jacks allowing experimentation with other speaker cabinets
– Nearly instantaneous preset changes with footswitch
– POP card
– Cyber-Twin 1 MIDI preset dumps will work with the Cyber-Twin SE (not the other way)

* * *
Guitar Lesson / Tutorial
by Guitar Teacher
Brett Sanders

#Amp #Settings #Fender #CyberTwin #Amp #Deluxe #Reverb

Originally posted by UCj2WbOX8jyCrQl57Kbi2Rzw at

17 thoughts on “What Amp and Settings Do I Use? Fender CyberTwin Amp – Deluxe Reverb ’65

  • Yeah love it I have 2 one combo an one Head not the SE, changing the tubes to Russian Mullards made a good improvement ! Well despite the known presets (Not very Good) the amp can generate great tones, but you need to invest a lot of time to find them. Because the combinations may be in the thousands prob. more.
    I found my personal sound in it that's why I still own them, bought a second one for backup.
    My sound lives somewhere between a Dumble and a Marshall. I keep the input low because it seems to compress more when you open up the input pot. The amp sounds also great at low volumes, so extremely handy for studio work, the effects are not very useful imho except for the Reverbs those are great, and maybe a little delay, The price in 2001 was something like $4000 in my country, so that was a huge investment, but it paid out with 23 years of fun without any breakdowns, The head was $500 prob. overpaid some but it is pristine and they are hard to find.
    I also have a boutique amp hand build Marchall Plexi clone ,but I still go back to the Cyber Twin :O
    So now I can play in double stereo, that is one wall of sound !

    In fact for my own band I would not need more them 2 or 3 basic sounds, but all the options enables you to find your own voice and for a wedding band or coverband it is easy to get every sound you need without any extra pedals, but in that case you need a bigger midi switch, Bheringer works fine but hard to program, the official Fender one should be easier. Well in the end the CyberTwin was maybe a flop for Fender, but it was far ahead of its time, keeping the sound analog and switching digital between different preamps and tone stacks is genius.
    Also the power section does not have to be tubes, maybe mosfet would be a little better. Sound is made by the preeamp and tonestack the rest is filtering and compressing.

    I think what drove the price up was the automated controles, the devolepment and the High output rate, because they wanted it to be as load as the actual Twin and they made it Stereo also.

  • great amps i have three. one of them has been all over. was there when the marshall died to get me through. great studio amps also.

  • I used these when they were new, just bought two, Toured twice with the deluxe version I would recommend you buy as many as you can afford! These are so ahead of their time it’s sickening! If you can dream it you can get any tone your looking for, and compared to todays headrush/Helix etc this is way better

  • Can you say me a good setting for Jimi Hendrix Clean Strat sound and littlebit a second setting like little Wing oder Castles Made of Sand

  • These are amazing amplifiers with endless possibilities/but very complex for impatient users !!!###

  • Yo! Do you know if there is a pedal that matches the "British distortion" effect on that amp??? And for anybody willing to do a trade. I'm willing to trade my Fender Metal Head half stack for the cyber twin!

  • I've owned a Fender Cyber Twin amp for a few years now. It's my go to amp. I really enjoy playing through it.

  • I have one as well.. it’s not a modeling amp… it actually has tubes and transistors.. it uses digital controls to configure it to a fender twin reverb or other amps that fender made.. plus has all the stomp boxes built in.. such as wah chorus phaser over drive echo etc.. excellent amp

  • just got one a few weeks back and it sounds just amazing, has so much going on with it, can dial just about anything in you want.


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