What Do Electric Strings Sound Like on Acoustic? #acousticguitar #musicproduction #guitar
Cool little hack to get a different tone 🙂
#Electric #Strings #Sound #Acoustic #acousticguitar #musicproduction #guitar
Originally posted by UC6CxayMClLfjk9Og3hEw-lA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XFCbruicVI
Do this on a 12 string!
Sounds like a zach bryan song
The riff made me a sad ????
You get more bass if you use heavy enough strings. Some of the highs get rolled off. It's more balanced.
That's been my experience.
I use nickel steel 12-56 on my Seagull S6 Coastline.
So that's why one of my classmates before had a noticeably easy to play guitar. The strings felt "soft" and light and the tone it made had way more treble than other guitars. The difference is amazing
While this is as really cool trick and I think it sounds awesome, wouldn't you be able to get a similar (Key word is similar) Sound using some EQ and adding a high shelf and some compression? I'm sure that electric strings will sound more tasteful but if you're just gonna use it as a supporting role why not just add EQ and get a similar sound.
what did you use for percussion on this demo track???
I had to do this once cuz the only strings I could get were electric strings so I did that and it's sounded great on my guitar
Love Lizzy
I’m sure someone else has/will suggest this, but could you string a 12 string with one standard and one electric set (tuned all unisons instead of the normal 12-string way) to get a similar effect live without double tracking?
i had d'addario 8s on my acoustic for a while before i knew what i was doing
Why not keep the lower strings acoustic and the higher strings electric
I have the perfect guitar for this.
bro invented the 12 string
It's not quite as bright so it feels like a more subdued alternative to Nashville tuning. So it does help to add some depth.
If you use light acoustic strings and replace the wound G with an unwound G from an electric set it plays easier and retains the bass
Ya not a new idea .. people have been doing it forever
Sounds great
I was incredibly skeptical until i heard the mix at the end. Yea it does do good things
Dude the chud????
now try putting a soundhole pickup in…
i put electric guitar strings on my dad's accoustic guitar and its the best its ever sounded.
That is awesome
Nashville tuning ->>> this
There's strings made for acoustic guitars?????
Try bass VI strings on an acoustic
Metallic strings on an acoustic guitar? Who would've thought!
I have D’Addario extra light electric strings (9’s) on my Yamaha FX310A acoustic…and made 10 songs so far with them. I love the sound.
So much explanation to sound like CCM?
I was today years old when I learned there are acoustic and electric strings.
Okay now put acoustic strings on an electric guitar ????
So a 12 string would've solved this without the mixing.
Why not just EQ each acoustic track differently you don’t have to put thinner strings on… Just eq one track brighter than the other one
I use electric guitar strings cause they’re cheaper lol
Custom set it, mix string sets
Yeah and a bent neck over time sounds really nice ???? the tension of electric strings are higher
They’ve been doing since the first electric strings came out