Monday, March 3, 2025
BassBass Effects

What Does A Buffer Do For Your Guitar?

Do I need a Buffer? Where Do I put a Buffer? What does a buffer even do?
Buffers can be kinda mysterious and my goal with this episode is to help clear up any confusion around the subject.

Check out the gear in this and past episodes here:

Gear in this video:
2:06 1981 Inventions DRV Overdrive
5:33 JHS Little Black Buffer
5:41 JHS Buffered Splitter
5:56 JHS Ernie Ball 6180 VP Jr Mono Volume Pedal w/ “Active/No Loss” Mod
6:11 Boss RV-6 Reverb

Record Time:
Hiss Golden Messenger – Heart Like a Levee

Josh’s record player is by U-Turn Audio:

#jhs #thejhsshow #bufferpedals

#Buffer #Guitar

Originally posted by UCjfbkA4jJkJY5g0wbjuoZWA at

32 thoughts on “What Does A Buffer Do For Your Guitar?

  • I have a wah, a drop pedal, and my Peterson tuner in that order. Where should I place my buffer?

  • So buffers before fuzz and overdrives right?
    So does a buffer go after a tuner? After a whammy pedal?
    Like: tuner-whammy-buffer-noise gate-overdrive yada yada??

  • I have a Peterson Strobostomp as my first pedal, a Boss Blues Driver as my sixth, and a Boss Reverb and looper at the end of my chain. Total of 12 pedals. I still get a good bit of signal loss, even with all those buffered pedals throughout my chain. Should I get one or two of these little buffers or is something else going on ?

  • i bought the buffered splitter from SW. about to send it back pls someone let me know if the led is supposed to light up . mine doesn't outta the box. I have a standard voodoo labs 9vdc tip negative ps going into it.

  • As a plumber, I'm just pausing the video to say how much I appreciated the analogy. It made so much sense to me! ????

  • i need a small box that i can split my guitar signal into two without signal loss. This appears to fit the bill BUT sweetwater reviews half the folks say this introduces hum into the signal.

  • Very well explained Josh! I just remembered this is exactly how my physics teacher explained the flow of current and resistance back in school.

  • Thanks for the info! Really enjoy your content.

    You should offer mounts for these for underneath pedal trains etc like voodoo labs do for their power packs ????????

  • Thank you! Wonderful explanation, Josh.
    I’m not building my first pedalboard, but I am definitely tidying it up and making it look more professional,
    You just reaffirmed my train of thought which was putting the Boss tuner in the very first spot after my junction box rather than using the out on my volume pedal, but also using my boss EQ as the very last pedal on my board, that way, I have a buffer in the first and last spot rather then buying a buffered junction box.

  • I was going to remove the buffer from my wah pedal and convert it to true bypass but it sounds like I should probably keep it in. It can be the buffer at the beginning of my board.

  • I experienced a loss of volume only if I use the effects loop of my peavey classic 30. Do I need one buffer at the end of the chain or 2 one previous to the effect loop and another after? Thanks for the info

  • After watching a million videos on buffers in the last hour… ide love to see you and Mason from Vertex Effects debate the buffers in boss pedals. lol. Or just debate buffers in general.

  • I’m looking into buffets for a reason. Was hoping you’d show the audio difference. I plugged my guitar straight into my amp the other day and it sounded so much fuller, louder, overall stronger signal. The problem is thag I play post rock, ambient, and post metal. lol. So not using pedals isn’t really an option for me.

  • "There's no such thing as a bad buffer." Until you order a "used like new" JHS Little Black Buffer and you receive a Moskyaudio piece of garbage in a JHS box. The nerve. ????

  • So if all Bosses have a buffer, and I’m running a GE-7 before a fuzz, is that problematic?

  • josh, thanks for the awesome content! Is it truth that you can use the buffer of any boss pedal in the place of a reamp box? Cheers from Brazil!

  • nesting doll Russian nesting doll or Mat rik shaw or some odd thing. You had it mixed up with Faberge Eggs. Not sure if there are Faberge nesting eggs or not.

  • Buffered pedals are headache and true bypass pedals are headache too. It's always different tone than plugging directly into amp. But we need pedals. At least me on gigs. Life shouldn't be this much cruel.


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