Monday, March 10, 2025
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What I Like About You Guitar Lesson – The Romantics

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In this What I Like About You guitar lesson, I will show you how to play this great rhythm guitar workout by The Romantics in it’s entirety.

This lesson and the original recording are in standard tuning.

The opening guitar rhythm will be the most difficult challenge for you in this lesson. The chords move around the fretboard very quickly and the aggressive strumming style needs to be precise as well. You will also hear this riff at the end of the song.

When we make it to the first verse, things get much easier with basic open position chords. Pay close attention here though, because the rhythm is slightly different on the original recording than you might have heard it played before.

In addition to that, I’ll tackle the solo section which although very short has some cool chord work as well.

I hope you enjoy learning this fun and great rhythm guitar workouts from The Romantics. #whatilikeaboutyouguitarlesson #theromantics #guitarcovers


#Guitar #Lesson #Romantics

Originally posted by UCYqDqs59rgZ3_7hJugnbXog at

20 thoughts on “What I Like About You Guitar Lesson – The Romantics

  • I would voice the intro:
    xx99 10 x, xx999x, xx79 10 x, xx79 10 x, xx023x, xx222x
    Could just be how I'm hearing it though.

  • Thanks for showing us pretty quickly and not talking g down to us like children. You show us fairly quickly and precise , looks like the correct chords and when.

  • Thx bro. Been wondering about this for 30 years. Saw them at proverbial college dump watering hole in 1988. They were tight and professional and the riff speaks for itself. Anybody who knew was jumping around like a maniac. They were bigger than life in this scene. Lots of people tried to drive a wedge saying nuwave didn’t exist, but it was all over the place. Stuff that wasn’t punk, but stuff considerably avante-garde. This stuff hung out in the major or major pentatonic and they were beautiful and icons of a niche era. ABC, OMD, Gang of Four, Echo, Smiths, Furs, New Order, Femmes, Cramps, Naked Raygun, Bauhaus, Butthole Surfers, so…. Let’s be honest. Lots of their songs sucked , but their good ones dictated to an era just like iconic songs of the “American Graffiti “ time period did. They created an indelible time stamp. Such a time stamp with enduring power only continues through anecdotal referencing. I preferred Black Flag, Dead Kennedy, Van Halen and Motley Crue, but they were the abstract expressionists of this era, nuanced, yet strong.

  • Great! I got some tabs off of the internet – the changes were impossibly awkward and didn't sound right. Your lesson sounds spot on! Bravo!

  • Watched a lot of tutorials on this song, and you're one of the few that play it as the band does. Kudos for putting guitarists watching on the right track.

  • Not too hard to learn. I figure this song out back in '85 or so when I played in cover bands. When you really learn the song, you can thrash around the stage and do a bunch of posing and other stupid shit. The chicks dig it.

  • Its amazing how many songs you know.. You justin johnson marty schwartz and justin guitar are the yodas of guitar

  • Almost all the comments are on here are made from one person trying to fluff up this site. It reflects badly on Carl Brown, who may have nothing to do with these spam comments, but it sure makes it seem like he planted them himself.


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