Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Lessons

What Is Good Bass Guitar Technique? Beginner Bass Guitar Tutorial

A lot of folks ask, “What is good bass guitar technique?” In this beginner bass guitar tutorial, Joe Hubbard reveals the secrets of proper bass guitar technique and how it relates to the music that you want to play! Sign Up for Joe Hubbard’s New Interactive Bass Foundation Course: https://www.joehubbardbass.com/enrollment/

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#Good #Bass #Guitar #Technique #Beginner #Bass #Guitar #Tutorial

Originally posted by UC9KXLt434AmLtgi7TQPqPdQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNxL5d0kISE

9 thoughts on “What Is Good Bass Guitar Technique? Beginner Bass Guitar Tutorial

  • Hey Guys- Here's a beginner bass guitar tutorial that's a follow up to last week's Scale Blacks lesson.  When you get a chance, check it out and leave comments and questions in the comments section below.  All the Bass- Joe

  • Do you have any videos or tips on how to position the right hand? I’m just getting started and I can’t seem to find the right comfort zone. I don’t want to bend my wrist too much. Having a hard time coordinating the strap with proper position and all that

  • Yep! The "heat of the moment" is a KEY factor. And way too few instructors address that issue. I think that you and Jeff Berlin (as far as I can remember) are the only two guys that stressed out the fact that practicing and performing are two VERY different things. Sure, everyone will find that out pretty soon by him/herself (it's no rocket science, so to speak) but still, I'd like to see more teachers pointing that out.

  • Great Video Joe! As always! I do, however, disagree with you to a certain extent about the point you made at the beginning. Just because someone may have bad or sub-par technique doesn't mean they can't express themselves through their instrument. Think of someone like Mike Watt. He seems to be exerting himself to the max and I doubt anyone would say he isn't expressing his musical ideas on his bass! For myself personally, I always try to breath and stay loose especially during harder tunes or quick lines. You have been a great outlet for me to supplement my bass and music education with my mentor/teacher. Thank you!

  • As per usual, so much information contained here… if we choose to think about it. I do choose that way!


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