Wednesday, March 12, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

What Makes an Amp Great for Pedals?

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As more and more guitarists rely on pedals as the centerpiece of their tone, the need for amps as pedal platforms has never been greater. Be sure to watch until the end as Sweetwater‘s Mitch Gallagher covers what makes an amp great for stompboxes while demoing a few dirt pedals used in a pedal-platform setup. Check it out!

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#Amp #Great #Pedals

Originally posted by UC1kdsZUTDSW1BtsHEoYx4WQ at

31 thoughts on “What Makes an Amp Great for Pedals?

  • I am sitting on sweetwater website debating this very idea with my current purchase. Thanks for the video.

  • It has to have a simple circuit without much filtering and gain stages. Of course, the smoother it is, the better it is.

  • My theory is if you need a distortion pedal you bought the wrong amp. I'm a tube guy ( the only solid state amps I have are tube hybrids for bass guitars). Yes they make tube amps that deliver gain beyond your wildest dreams. I have a Peavey Joe Satriani that channel 3 has so much distortion available they had to put a noise gate on it so it won't spooge all over itself. (Not to mention my original 5150 Block letter) My Marshall 410H 4th channel has more gain and distortion than any amp Marshall ever built. My Rivera KR100 and Bonehead can take you to beyond what you really need. And my Rivera TBR2s can blast you into space. Distortion pedals are solid state or IC chips trying to sound like tubes. (Did I mention I have a Masters degree in electronics) Enough about distortion. Let's talk stereo chorus. I loved my Rolland 120. Everyone loves their Rolland, except when you have to move it. Pristine sounds, however if you want to use a distortion pedal I agree I've never found one that sounds good with it, except a Rolland VG99 or GR55 with a synth guitar. Great distortion sounds. I use those and a Godin LGXT when I need a wide variety of effects and instruments in the studio. Amp's gone now. However, back to stereo chorus. I found the Rivera S120 to be a very sweet and warm all tube stereo chorus amp. It has 2 seperate 60 watt tube power amps and a 2 channel tube preamp, one Fender voiced and one Marshall voiced or bypass them and use the power amps. A true stereo chorus . I have 4 combos, each with different 12" speaker pairs: JBL120s, EVM12Ls, Jensens, and Vintage 30s. Also a S120 head. Yes I have gone freaking crazy (I'm deranged) over these but as a collector I just watch the values go up every day. If you can find one of these I recommend the head and 2 speaker cabinets on opposite sides of the stage, mind blowing. However the combo let's you unplug the internal speakers and use external cabinets also. As far as a pedal platform all Rivera amps take to pedals like a calf to a teat. Made for it. There are some tube distortion pedals out there that are decent alternatives. I've never needed them but I've heard them, you might give them a try. We are all chasing our own ultimate tone, it is a journey and a fun one. Good luck.
    PS: If It's Too Loud, Your Too Old. (70s mantra)

  • Milkman TheAmp 100, works great driving my celestion neo 250 cabinet, and reference headphones. Works well going into warmer speaker cabs also.

  • Solid videos recently, Sweetwater. Very good info for those on that noble tone chasing quest! ????

  • I go into a super clean Boogie Fillmore 100 combo on one side and Roland JC 40 on the other. Loads of headroom and nice mix of warm tube + “cleanroom” digital. ???? Both from Sweetwater.

  • Fender !!!!! Since most pedal builders use fender amps as a test amp.

  • Got a Magnatone Panoramic Stereo purchased from Sweetwater! Great pedal platform.

  • Generally agree except for 1 thing – if we accept that time based pedals, and EQ's sound better, and the controls function better, in an FX loop (except where you're specifically shooting for the vintage muffled analog effect) then…… no amp can be considered a good pedal platform unless it has a high quality FX loop. So none of the amps listed in this video are great for pedals imo cos none have a loop. They might sound great with overdrives and distortions but all the time based pedals, and EQs, plugged into them will sound and operate less than optimal

  • My Hot Rod DeVille 4×10 is the best pedal platform I’ve used yet. It feels like it has unlimited headroom.

  • I use a Blackstar HT1 MKII (1 watt) with a 4ohm Warehouse speaker for home use and it sounds killer with pedals. You don't need a monster amp to get great results ????

  • I've played every amp under the sun and chased my tone forever. I've tried multi channel amps but ultimately become dissatisfied with the drive and lead tones. Trying to control volume for stages, sound guys, or smaller venues is also part of the struggle in searching for your tone. My ultimate tone was discovered when I bought the 64 Fender DR hand wired series. I go into my wah, Tubes Screamer 808 w/ Kealey Mod, Timmy OD, Phase 90, MXR M300 Reverb, MXR Carbon Copy. I've got the best clean with the amp, awesome overdriven rhythm tone with the 808, and then a more sustained lead tone by stepping on the Timmy OD. Whether it's my bandmates or other musicians I've never received more compliments or inquiries on my tone. I figure after 35 years of gigging I deserve to get something right!!!

  • I use a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe III for my pedals and it's superb. I keep it as clean as possible while loud, and run a Keeley compressor always on for my clean tone. I then boost them for gain with a Blues Driver, an MXR Super Badass Distortion, and a Blackout Effectors Musket Fuzz

  • Hahaha….. "the two common ways of using an amp is to use your amp with pedals, or to use your amp…. with pedals." lma0

  • When talking a small to mid size amp, a Fender Princeton and a Fender Deluxe can not be beat for the price, just like the Strat and Tele, Fender got it right the first time.

  • I’ve owned the Hot Rod Deluxe, it definitely takes pedals very well. I’ve been debating on investing in a Roland Jazz Chorus amp because of its clean tone, but haven’t heard many overdrive or boost demos with that amp.


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