Friday, October 25, 2024
BassGuitar Tips & Hacks

What to Learn on Bass (in Order)

???? My full beginner bass course:
So you wanna learn bass… but where do you start with INFINITY bass lessons out there? This video. Here. Stop reading and watch it.

Free PDF of what to learn on bass, in order –
What to Learn YT Playlist –

So you’re trying to learn bass.

“This’ll be easy,” you say to yourself.

But where do you start? What order do you watch things in? Then you remember some dude on Reddit told you about a great course with really easy to follow lessons but money’s tight, and a private teacher costs even more, what do you do??? AHHHH!!!

Well, I’m gonna screw myself out of a job and tell you the FIFTY-holycrap – yep, FIFTY FIVE steps of what to learn on bass in what order, if paid lessons aren’t an option right now so you too can progress through these 5 levels of bass playing.

In this video, you’ll learn:

– The 55 steps to learning bass.
– Basic technique, from stuff a monkey could do to rockstar status.
– How to set good goals for learning bass.
– How to overcome challenges as you learn bass.
– How to stay confident and motivated.

You read all the way through this video description… you must really like bass lessons. Subscribe so you don’t miss the next one –

#BeginnerBassLessons #BassBuzz

#Learn #Bass #Order

Originally posted by UCeD9_tDVA1wvqv1IF9QyP-A at

29 thoughts on “What to Learn on Bass (in Order)

  • How do you keep yourself excited about learning bass, so you don’t get crushed by THE RESISTANCE? ????

  • Also a B2B Student here and I can wholeheartedly recommend buying Joshs course!
    It get's you to a point where you know all the important things to venture out on your own and explore music.
    Does it spit you out as a perfect bass machine? Absolutely not, you'll have a ton of stuff to work on, but you're competent enough to get your feet wet in the music that YOU want to play.

    The forum is filled with supportive people who geek out about gear or what songs they're covering at the moment. Some stay for the duration of their course, others have been there for years, it really is a cool place to start.

    From there on out, just learn what you feel would give you the biggest benefit. Chord Tones from Talking Bass for example is a good next stop, others go over to SBL.

    So Josh: When do we get more specialized courses from you so we don't have to go throw our money at other teachers? ????

  • Oooooookay …… ???? After all, I will buy that tambourine I saw …..
    (I bought a kit and built Stratocaster copy think I could learn some simple tunes, and then thought maybe find a bass guitar kit … I am definitely not good at discipline ☹️)

  • This is exactly what I need as someone who has never learned any sort of instrument and wants to learn playing bass from ground zero on my own as a hobbie. Thanks for this very on point video!

  • If looking to
    Learn the notes and where to find them .
    the revolutionary new shit method to remember your shit.
    BC+EF don't have shit between them everything else has shit in the way.
    A shit b c shit d shit e f shit g shit (a)octave.
    Start with the key you looking for and follow this method. You will be able to find all the notes on all the strings and all the shit in between.

  • I have a friend learning electric guitar along me learning bass you have any suggested channels for him that you feel do as good as a job as you?

  • Hey I’m a new bass player but know the bass line for feel good inc on guitar and bass and why did you not add the bass line for feel good inc in the spot where you said easy bass lines because it is quite easy to be honest but it doesn’t bother me that much because you are awesome and I don’t have to pay for lessons and yeah anyways goodbye thanks for free lessons!!

  • Don’t worry about screwing yourself out of a job. I took your course and I would shamelessly endorse your course without compensation.

  • Im mostly left handed. Im struggling to figure out if I want to play left or right handed. Any advice?

  • Sooo, being obsessed with slapping early on is just wrong? ???? ???? Because someone might have gone down that road..

  • Just bought my bass today! Thankyou for all the resources you provide (throughout your whole channel)

  • I have tried learning to play the bass with a private teacher for a year. Dropped that and got Josh’s course. So worth itttt! I’ve already made way more progress


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