What would I buy for $1k? Building a Used Guitar Rig with Gear Exchange!
How would you build your used guitar rig for $1000? Do it here at Gear Exchange! https://www.sweetwater.com/used
That is not an affiliate link, but this video was sponsored by the Sweetwater Affiliate Program.
Other gear I would have easily bought and loved:
D’Angelico Premier
Ibanez Artcore
Fender Standard HSS Stratocaster
Squier Classic Vibe
Godin Session
Gretsch Electromatic Jet
Gretsch Streamliner
Fender Blues Junior
Fender Hot Rod Deluxe
Boss Katana
Fender Mustang
Blackstar HT40
0:33 Intro
3:59 Building Rig 1
7:55 Rig 1 Demo
12:16 Rig 1 Review
13:03 Building Rig 2
20:36 Rig 2 Demo
25:18 Rig 2 Review
25:57 Closing Thoughts
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#buy #Building #Guitar #Rig #Gear #Exchange
Originally posted by UCEQ_Z17PBn1zm9oEXORwg1g at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylBK3YnX9XE
I agree that choosing an amp first is smart, unless, like me, you're left handed. I would select a guitar first, due to limited availability.
I like rig #2 the best, as I'm not a huge fan of modeling amps.
Ideally, I would take the Blackstar amp and the PRS guitar!
Great video!
I agree with you on that ding on the PRS. It doesn't affect playability and lowers the price, plus you're not going to worry about the next ding. I'd just color it in with a black sharpie or something and call it good. editing to add: i would go with the first rig, the se cu24 and the nextone. also, props for pronouncing godin correctly.
rig #1 i'm not a big fan of 24 frets but it'll work. have you tried sire guitars?
Ooh, I like the Danelectro rig! Sounds great, looks great, and priced great.
Second one – Blackstar and Danelectro!
5150 Iconic?
Used 20th anniversary Fender Squier standard series Strat. and Boss Katana Mk2 100 combo.
As far as picking one of the two rigs? Probably the second one, but I’m quirky that way.
Under a grand and used? If I’m doing a meat and potatoes rock show, a Reverend and an Orange Crush Pro/Super Crush will probably just barely fit the budget and would get the job done wonderfully. I also play surf music so if it was a surf show, I’d grab a Quilter Aviator Cub, a Source Audio True Spring reverb pedal, and with whatever’s left the best Strat I could afford, maybe MIM, maybe a Squier CV. Ideally a Reverend Jetstream 390, but I probably wouldn’t have enough left after the Quilter and the True Spring.
I run stereo box ac10 tubed with box se foot pedal which is loaded with a 12 ax7 tube for drive and my Hendrix v my player telecaster 3 Hendrix voodoo strat and.my engyie malm stien strat
My rig is a mix new Yousef combo
I'll vote for the first rig – it's almost identical to mine. A couple of years ago I got a Quilter Aviator Cub amp that is perfect for my needs. After getting a Strat, I decided I wanted something with humbuckers, but the snap of a bolt neck. My SE CE Custom was, I felt, the ideal choice that fell within my budget. That SE is an awesome guitar at it's price. I agree that it's split coils sound pretty good, but it's the full humbuckers that really shine – quite clear and articulate, and balanced compared to many I've tried, the trem is solid and stays in tune better than my strat.
I’ve discovered Tonex and not looking back. Sounds so good and not limited to what an amplifier can do. I picked one up used for 220. Add a cheap used Fender FR-10 and you have plenty left for a guitar. Nice video, congrats on your rigs!
The second rig sounded way better. I did not like the Boss amp sound.
Well Jack, I'd certainly buy that three pickup white SG you're playing at the very beginning of this video! LOL
Feel free to message me if you concur and I'll be happy to offload that for ya ahah!~ ????
Either would be pretty cool. I'd get a used Charvel or Gretsch and HRD. If I happened to get the Deluxe/Deville for like $350 I'd get a Diezel VH4-2, RAT2 if it was more. Katana or Aviator would be good too.
I would have went with the PRS and Nextone rig. Id rather have a better guitar. and Ive gigged a Katana 100 1st generation with a very modest pedal board and my old Gibson SG and I was very satisfied with the results. I bought that SG used for $650 used before the pandemic and the Katana for $200. I’m thinking the Nextone is even better. I did have a crappy experience with a PRS Custom 24 SE once but I have a PRS Silver Sky that is really a solid guitar.
Fender Super Champ XD and used Hagstrom Ultra Max or a Viking. Hags are superb because of their robust truss rod, temp resistant fretboards and pups. that's all you need. Easily <$800
Fun couple of exercises – both seemed to deliver, so cool – I'd go for Rig 1 simply for the guitar! For anyone considering something like this my 2 bobs worth: A couple of years ago I had a bit of spare cash and figured after years of hearing about PRS I should try one. Our stockist here in HK has 50+ in the PRS room so I tried the 2 cheapest, a 245 that I liked the feel of (I'm a Les Paul player and the 245 has Gibson scale – hence the name) and the SE Custom 24-08, which has more of a Stratty feel in the hands, impressed me. Over the last 2 years I pick it up a lot and I would recommend it to anyone – Humbuckers & Single Coil with lots of combinations and smart ergonomic placing of the 2 extra mini select switches + a really cool Strat like Trem Bar. I think it's more or less the same as the SE Custom here in Rig 1 . . . for me it would be the perfect back-up to my Sadowsky NYC HSH if I were still playing live – both qualify as Swiss Army Knives ????
What about plus tax?