Tuesday, March 4, 2025

What’s Behind JP Cormier’s Signature Sound on His NEW Alvarez Guitar!

Check out our in-depth review of JP Cormier’s Signature Alvarez Guitar! In this video, we’re joined by JP himself as we dive into the specs, design features, and unique history behind this one-of-a-kind model. Crafted for exceptional tone and versatility, JP’s signature guitar is designed to meet the demands of his dynamic playing style, and we’re excited to explore what makes it stand out in the Alvarez lineup! Thanks for joining us @JPCormier!

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00:00 – Welcome!
01:17 – History Of This Model
06:58 – Partnering With Us!
08:14 – Specs
09:33 – Yairi Is Special
11:22 – JP’s Designing Ideas
13:09 – Why This Model Is Special
18:20 – Tone Demo With JP
19:25 – TAS Tone Samples
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#Whats #Cormiers #Signature #Sound #Alvarez #Guitar

Originally posted by UCgToABlTkcQP-ojGXd1g1SA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2G3NSHB9V8Q

29 thoughts on “What’s Behind JP Cormier’s Signature Sound on His NEW Alvarez Guitar!

  • If i could i would definitely look into this guitar. Dig thec12 fret and slotted head stock! And sounds amazing

  • This is incredibly exciting! Still listening. Slope, 12, slotted, burst would have my dream, too! Can't wait to hear it! Blessing to Acoustic Shoppe and JP for all of his signature models.

  • I was at the K Yairi factory at Gifu on Sep 19 Thursday unfortunately I did not read Japanese n they only have a factory tour on Saturday!! Fortunately they took me upstairs to the showroom n I saw most all the guitars they made n spent my time playing n salivating over them. They would not ship the guitar if I bought one!! I walked up the hill with my wife n daughter from the train station so I did not want to carry a guitar with me to Tokyo . Yairi’s daughter when she saw us out the office n realize we were going to walk that way back to the station had the company van drive us back to the train station which I’m very thankful for the heat n humidity is dreadful.
    I do own two Yairi, a 1986 Dy 75 with a regular bridge and a 2003 DYM 95c Aura with a Fishman built in . I will try writing to order a K Yairi ❤????????????☮️ RIP K Yairi

  • Sounds great! JP can make anything sound great if we are being honest but those builders build some works of art.

  • Is that responsiveness and quality of tone when played with a light touch a feature of the twelve fret body joint, or the shorter scale? Or some other aspect of its construction?

  • 15 minutes into the video and I realized the guitar has a pickguard. Wonderful craftsmanship and the sound is simply incredible.

  • Very entertaining and informative as always ???? The sustain on that guitar is awesome. I owned a K Yairi some years ago, it had a regular style bridge. I believe it was made for the domestic Japanese market. These turn up here in Australia from time to time. That was a nice guitar. It had laminated back and sides.

  • I have an Alvarez AD66SHB Mahogany Top Dreadnought with African Mahogany back and sides. I love the sound and feel of this all Mahogany guitar.

  • I have an Alvarez 1965 Anniversary Model ARDA Slope Shoulder Model. I love it.

  • I would love you guys to re-do the Boucher JP Signature review in this same format with JP himself. Great review as always!!!

  • I repeatedly watch JP's videos about the Yamaha LL series. I have an LL16 and it's fantastic. Alvarez are great guitar makers I think I'm going to dive into them with both feet

  • What's the bracing on that guitar? It sounds very versatile. Great sounding guitar.

  • Sounds very good but a Dreadnought with a bite from a great white shark…? 😉
    Not for me.

  • "Regal" was a great description. Lovely sounding guitar. JP always entertains.


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