Thursday, March 6, 2025

6 thoughts on “What’s so good about the tone of ELIXIR Bass Strings?

  • 0:21 " Again, with the extended technique with the er slap bass thing…" – Proceeds to throw out a two second riff that I could never achieve in two decades.

  • I was exclusive d'addario on both my guitars and basses till I used elixirs because guitar center was sold out of my usual d'addarios…8 years of earnie ball 7 of d'addarios and now 3 on elixirs. Never looked back now. I know I'll always use them. The new xl from d'addario is garbage the tone last 2 weeks. My brother was disappointed.

  • I've been using Elixirs exclusively for about 12 years. I had them back when they were polyweb and would peel like someone who got a sunburn two weeks ago. The smoothness of the strings, the longevity, the enhanced nanoweb coating, the consistent tone are all what keeps me coming back for more. I made the mistake once of trying some other brand, felt like I was playing with sand paper and sounded like I was banging a metal trashcan with a hammer, but never again. Elixirs for life.

  • I just bought the nickel elixirs 100 45 and I am disappointed. They lack the fullness of the d'addario strings I had on before. Top end and bottom end are lacking so I have had to add a lot of treble and bass on my amp. Also now I get a buzzing on my g and l l2000 if my finger touches the pole on the pickup. This is because the coating stops grounding. £45 pounds wasted as far as I'm concerned.

  • I've been playing bass 4 31 yrs I've never played so comfortable with any other set of strings like the Elixir I have some nickel plated 45-135 light/medium on my Fender 5 string American Elite Jazz Bass it fuckn sounds awsome…. The lows kick ass the mids r full and punchy and clear the highs r clean bright but also full I luv these strings I recommend them 4 all different kinds of music


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