Saturday, March 15, 2025
BassBass Guitar

Which of the Lightweight Bass Heads is the best?

Jet and Reggie pit 3 heavy hitting but light weight bass amp heads against each other in this low frequency shootout to determine which one steals the show. Will it be the Mesa Boogie Subway D-800, the Aguilar Tone Hammer 500, or the Euphonic Audio iAmp Micro? Each has plenty of volume, with the wattage to move some serious air (the power range for these amps is 350-800 watts). Each features a class D power section, so they are almost as easy to move around as a pedal. Each has a powerful preamp section, with tons of tone-shaping goodness on tap. But they have very different strengths, as it turns out, and all of them are good enough to make the final decision difficult for our intrepid heroes. They’ll put both a vintage P-bass with flatwound strings and a vintage Rickenbacker 4003 with roundwounds through all 3 amps in a direct comparison so you can decide with them. Put on some headphones and come along for the ride!

For more info on Mesa Boogie amps, please visit:

For details on the Aguilar Tone Hammer, go to:

To hear Jet and Reg in a band context, check out their Psychedelic Jazz Rock album “Road Trip” by Tonekasl:

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#Lightweight #Bass #Heads

Originally posted by UCgazXXq0RQJi73tihpsVb2A at

20 thoughts on “Which of the Lightweight Bass Heads is the best?

  • Good review but I think they're being way too polite. IMO, the Euphonic was garbage. Nothing sounded good and the eq knobs barely did anything. The Mesa sounded good enough, like my GK or Markbass class D heads, but the Aguilar stood out like a gem. Everything sounded good. They seem to be the only class D amp out there that has great tone and a good usable overdrive, except maybe DarkGlass. Got a kick out of him pulling out a 39 year old Rick for us super modern folks. Would be nice to hear an active PU 5 string like Schecter, Ibanez or Spector. That would be modern, even though my SR-885 is from 1992.

  • I have both the Mesa D800 and the Mesa D800+. The D800+ sounds way better in my opinion.

  • Why is the Aguilar the only amp that is hooked up with a balanced in put that makes a difference they should be all the same

  • BUt realy,please all basplayers,pfff,so they whant to sell you the most expencif apss and the guy is a provesonel like the riffs he play

  • – Great video thanks. When the Mesa D series amps came out I thought for sure it would be my next amp. But after playing one thru two different Mesa Subway cabs with numerous basses I realized it’s voicing just didn’t do it for me. And this video reinforced it for me. I preferred the Tonehammer and second or tied I would take the clean EA amp. I would rather add my coloration with a foot pedal/preamp, then have a baked in tone that I can’t remove very easily as with the Mesa.

  • In the beginning the Mesa voicing control was in the middle, which is slightly scooped. Flat is truly all the way down

  • The newer Mesa D- 800+ or the Mesa D-350 both have a bright switch which the D- 800 lacks. It's very smooth, clean not harsh at all. It would definitely give you the clarity you were asking for plus keep everything else you liked about the Mesa. I have the Mesa D-350 and Aguilar TH -350. Hard to pick a winner between the 2 they are both at the top of their game. I'm keeping both.


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