Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Guitar


Hi, Steve here…

I went to #namm2024 and decided to ask folks who they thought had the best clean tone. We tried to keep it to content creators but a few others slipped in.

This video only took me 7 months and a new computer to get finished. Hopefully the next one won’t take so long.

Thanks to these folks for answering
@walrusaudioeffects @BsMusicShopMI @ChibsonUSA
@officialchaosaudio @EytschPi42 @RockitMusicGear @markjohnstonofficial @DigiTechFX @BalaguerGuitars @alamedaguitars2455 @LAMBERTONES @JasonTMays @WorkingClassMusic @40WattPodcast @GetOffset @thetimberowlsband @nisebelle @calilil @summerschoolofexperimental3255 @BuddyBlues @signalpath @AmbientEndeavors @SullyGuitars @OfficialPerfectoDeCastro @gearfever @SeanPierceJohnson https://www.fellowsguitars.com/, @taylorguitars @RJKANEAO @jordanwav @AlbusBand @PeteJonasMusic @thetonemob @silktoneamps @Kauerguitars

And here’s all the content creators that came up in the answers (that weren’t already in the list above)
@RhettShull @RiffsAndBeards @ambienttrash5234 @TheBassChannel @RJRonquillo @MateusAsato @AndyDemos

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#CLEAN #TONE #NAMM2024 #Toan

Originally posted by UCUB6zi9kg1b6m8MfBtW5hkQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIJT9TAgCLw

32 thoughts on “WHO HAS THE BEST CLEAN TONE? – Asking NAMM2024 #Toan

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