Thursday, March 6, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons

why CAGED guitar learning method sucks.

“CAGED” denies you the ability to learn an instrument through basic elements of music.

You sit down to practice and it becomes a math/logic problem of epic proportions .

“CAGED really unlocked the entire guitar neck for me!” Said no one who comes to me, ever.

So you will always be tied to this flawed way of thinking on the guitar.

It is “paint by numbers” .

Upset and frustrated “CAGED” warriors often come to me for help, and they are so frustrated because they’ve spent months trying to “figuring out how this CAGED system works!! ???? “ as opposed to playing and experiencing music on the guitar.

You only need to understand three things to play guitar musically:

1. pitch
2. rhythm
3. dynamics

#CAGED #guitar #learning #method #sucks

Originally posted by UCwZEAv-j7wScJUcPwM3UYSg at

5 thoughts on “why CAGED guitar learning method sucks.

  • I learned my chords. All the incidentals so on…. Caged would've been easier. Caged looks easier for pentatonics as well… What I don't understand as why people following the caged system call it d at the 5th fret or a g at the 7th and so on. It makes all music hard for them to relate, but still they speak in some wierd tongue I think it's because they had a revelation before the memorization set in. Where as I had memorization before the revelation. I.e.ive been playing for 30 years and I just figured out what caged was. It's about akin to Phoebe guitar lessons. Maybe that's what they were making fun of on friends…. Either way… If they're in the right key….. Idgaf what the chord is called. Does it matter to you?


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