Monday, March 3, 2025
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Why Did LEGENDARY Guitarists Do This?

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Video Chapters:
00:00 – What is “Top Wrapping”
01:06 – “Liz Reed” Jam!
01:27 – Stringing Normally/Break Angle
02:39 – “Steep” Break Angle
04:35 – “Shallow” Break Angle
05:34 – Top Wrapping: Best of Both Worlds
08:08 – Tone/Sustain Comparison
10:52 – The Results
13:54 – So Why Do I Top Wrap?
15:21 – Outro

#LEGENDARY #Guitarists

Originally posted by UCEQWOzx3JDV65lGMrtonBrg at

25 thoughts on “Why Did LEGENDARY Guitarists Do This?

  • Is it me or it sounds like the top wrapped takes away some midrange frequencies making the sound less rich(?)

  • i've got an old tuneomatic bridge and the thing has essentially v notches. i wonder why they couldn't have been made more round or smooth.

  • I'm going to guess the more vibration in the body the less vibration in the string meaning less for pickup it's not an acoustic but I ain't the sharpest knife when it comes to physics guessing

  • Having the tailpiece high can add shear force to the posts and eventually bend them or make the bushings tilt a teeny bit. Another reason not to raise the tailpiece

  • I'm a top-wrapper, but the decked stop bar sounded sharpest in a good way — the wrap and raised bar sounded slightly muffled in comparison

  • I definitely appreciate your honesty. I do have an SG that I have raised the tailpiece to where I don't like the look, so I am going to try top wrapping next time I changes strings and lower the tailpiece. Should look much better.

  • 600 commercials about ED later. F@ck YouTube why you worry about my d!ck when all I’m worried about is guitars? I can’t stand YouTube no more.

  • I top wrap so the strings don't drag over the bridge frame when the stopbar is lowered. I don't like the tailpiece bolts way up where they can hurt my hand or feel wobbly. It feels better for palm muting, too.

  • I don't get it. If people are into the stud thread contact idea, why not just use longer studs? Top wrap seems like a cool idea, but for me, having strings on top of the bridge would give a place for sweat and gunk to accumulate and maybe even make strings break earlier.

  • The Top Wrap method has a slight advantage in tone and sustain. I recently scored an 06 Gold Top LP with P90s and it's in dire need of new strings. I'm going to try the Top Wrap method. Thanks!

  • The old guys wrapped the strings on top because that was how one did it with the earlier single stop tailpiece configurations and more what they were used to. My 1955 had a single stop and that is just how you strung it.

  • Allways wanted to know about top wrapping. I tryed it with my standard. I messed around with bobby pins as springs for the bridge etc. If you want bendability use 07 gauge extra light strings. Of course youl break more high e strings that way. But youl get bendabiliry! I support your wanting to break fewer strings, i would too! Thanks for putting to an end, a great mystery tome! Ha ha i made a funny! Ergo Fleetwood Mac, mystery tomb! Tee hee! Rock on brother, in good health. Thanx!

  • The normal raised sounds muted. The normal decked sounds louder with more harmonics. The top wrapped sounds like the decked, but with even more harmonic 'shimmer.' I'm definitely going top-wrapped on my next restring.

  • I didnt have an idea of this before your video. It makes a lot of sense to wrap. Not only to prevent the breaking thing but because the string/guitar contact increases a lot. Thank you very much.

  • What I experienced is: there is NO sound difference between these two. I have 2 LP's one normal, one wrapped. Result: No difference in sound.

  • Ok, but what about the place where the strings wrap around the tail (in wrap around case)? In the video, you can see where they are refracted at the tail piece corner before the wrap? how to avoid excessive pressure or breaking in that point?

  • I think at low volumes, you wouldn't see any difference. If you wanna see the diff, go to LOUD

  • Yes, guitar tone is physics, but a great deal is also psychology of the player. The greats did it because it got them what they wanted, and electronics and engineering wasn't as advanced back then. 50-60 years ago may have given us a different answer.


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