Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Why does this $80 Bass Preamp sound so INSANE! Joyo Monomyth budget bass preamp!

Looking for a budget-friendly bass preamp pedal that doesn’t sacrifice tone? In this video, I dive into the @JoyoPedals1 Monomyth Bass Preamp Pedal, a killer option for bassists looking to achieve metal tones without breaking the bank. At just $80, the Monomyth delivers serious versatility and power, with tones that rival more expensive options like Darkglass Electronics preamps. Whether you’re into modern metal, rock, pop punk, or metalcore, this pedal might just deserve a place on your pedalboard!

I am Using my Dingwall NG2 5-string bass, and a Squier Affinity Jazz Bass with seymour duncan Quarter Pound pickups. I’ll showcase the Monomyth’s tonal range, from clean, rounded tones perfect for softer songs to aggressive, high-gain settings that punch through the mix. I also walk you through all the pedal’s features, including its EQ controls and gain options, to show you exactly what this preamp can do for your sound.

If you’re a beginner or intermediate guitarist or bassist looking to step up your tone game on a budget, this video is for you. I’ll also demo the Monomyth in both solo and mix contexts, giving you a real-world idea of how it performs in a full band setting.

Interested in improving your playing, mixing and mastering, or content creation?
Check out my online lessons at www.heartlessaudio.com and lets chat!

0:00 Intro
0:33 Joyo Audio
0:45 What is a Preamp?
1:40 Signal chain
2:30 Demo Track Carol of the Bells
3:30 Features
5:08 DI bass Tone
6:10 Clean bass tone w/cab sim
6:35 No cab sim bass tone
7:00 Parallax X IRs bass tone
7:45 Overdriven bass tones
9:18 Bright switch and Gain Boost
13:50 Squier Jazz Bass Tones
14:25 J-Bass DI bass tone
15:15 J-Bass clean bass tone
16:01 J-Bass overdrive bass tone
18:20 My thoughts
19:30 How I would use the Monomyth

#JoyoMonomyth #BassPreamp #MetalBassTone #BudgetBassGear #GuitarPedals #Metalcore #RockTone

#Bass #Preamp #sound #INSANE #Joyo #Monomyth #budget #bass #preamp

Originally posted by UCGBmZnwgMmdlO2BMaXBKbjw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJNcGhGSF4s

6 thoughts on “Why does this $80 Bass Preamp sound so INSANE! Joyo Monomyth budget bass preamp!

  • It's like a modern version of a Behringer BDi21. I have one of those and it's a very versatile thing, it's their SansAmp clone. I may pick up one of these, I'm using sims most of the time but sometimes it's nice to just grab something and "plug in" without faffing about with ports and configurations

  • I have a Joyo Octaver+Fuzz. It seems to be an affordable clone from MXR. I never compared to the original, but the Joyo definitely does what it should

  • I just found out who you were last night because I'm buying a GOC guitar with Auroratone pickups and I just found you. I also live in SF, the crocker Amazon area, do you give lessons in person?


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