Monday, March 10, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

Why I’ll Never Go Fully Digital (my new pedalboard)

Stream my new EP “The Early Days” Here ⤵️

Huge thanks to @xacttone for partnering with me on this build, get in touch with them here ⤵️


follow them on Instagram @xacttone

The FULL pedalboard walkthrough video ⤵️

More info on the @gfisys Duophony:



Pedalboard Supplies (cable and plugs) ⤵️
SP500 1/4″ Plugs (non affiliate link)

Bulk Mogami Cable (non affiliate link)

0:00 Intro
0:27 Ambient “For Penny” Jam
1:24 This is the new pedalboard
4:40 More ambient jam
5:20 designing the board at XTS
7:14 layout and signal flow (hot the board works)
10:13 “aurora” jam and preset demo
11:56 building the rig at XTS
13:55 What is the Duophony?
15:52 This rig has a secret weapon
17:41 XTS builds the board power & MIDI
18:55 This is why you work with pros
19:49 How to do this at home (pro tips)
21:05 Wiring up the board
24:18 lessons learned
26:26 finishing and testing the board
27:54 Why Ill never go fully digital
31:50 outro

#Ill #Fully #Digital #pedalboard

Originally posted by UCCJ56k8nBeqWLoxNa6DToAQ at

34 thoughts on “Why I’ll Never Go Fully Digital (my new pedalboard)

  • Thank you so much for bringing in this project! A great example of how something can be uber-capable without being a straight jacket. You did a great job of making sure this was conceptually complete well before one cable was cut. Paid off huge.

  • I have a mix of analog and digital! pricey to cheaper pedals 🙂 I just go with what I like or naturally use/need!

  • Showed your new album to my wife and she now understands why my son and I are always watching your videos.

  • Not fully digital?? You’re already at like.. 85% digital plus digital processing via midi control/pre-programmed presets!! I mean with all the stereo iso-patch signal routing, multi-fx feature/expression accessibility.. Truly makes the one-two analog devices you’ve got on there a serious afterthought!!

  • All those pedals and legit, did not hear one useable live sound. And woah, majorly lacking tone. I’m shook after hearing this. Any other board I’ve heard you run, sounds much better for tone and choice of tones/pedals. Just run a fuzz-one that sounds good, a drive, good delay and verb, dimension c into the Two Rock. All that wild stuff is just noise. You’re too good of a player for this bro. I’m hard on you, because I know you have had many great tones in the past. This will be remedied, I’m sure. Great video and build. The sounds just aren’t sounding

  • Hey Rhett, what do you use the HX one for that the Synestesia can’t do? Just curious, thanks!

  • Cool board, cool sounds, click-baity title. Never say never, because needs change. I personally have been sort-of fully digital for at least a dozen years. I don't use an amp – I have a Pod Go for all the amp/cab/mic sims and lots of effects, but have a bunch of analog effects as well. Everything is mounted on a tight, clean pedalboard that I can take anywhere. I can run mono or stereo with the push of a button, and I play bass, electric, and acoustic guitar through the same rig. The sounds inspire me to play, actually MORE than when I had an amp. I don't have to worry about stage volume, or practice volume at home. The whole "interaction between the guitar and amp" is great if you're looking for feedback, but that's not a part of my sound, so I don't miss it at all. I get great tones, consistent from gig to gig, and I'm not limited to one or two amp sounds. It's the perfect solution for me. Your mileage may vary…

  • Hi rhett, that same . I got 4 Pedalboard I have audio Temples that Canadian petardboard maker,
    Got cheap. Throwing some pedals on that and quilter 200 block amp
    As power amp.
    Use news two note preamp some old pedal I use strymon power it .
    But got old battery Pedalboard only fit 6 small pedal long it they on off that I made everything clean.
    I can can two amp out it , quilter 1
    Other can be tube amp if I wish .
    I was Use jackson ampworks atlantic 4.0 of it . With two amp wet & dry so cool . I can run Pedalboard as bass guitar set-up two just bass cab just Simple tc electronic cab , some how sound great very old school 60s I can use two note as preamp on clean side I was shocked I can get pedal bass preamp as eq to nail that bass Spectrum in way (option)
    Now, I got little Pedaltrain jr
    With strymon flint &timeline
    Tuner , mad professor super black
    And two vertex ss & ultra phonix
    Warm drive Ying & yang sp comp
    Small 3 button Disaster area midi
    I run that now in other jackson ampworks newcastle , just
    Ernie ball ambient delay so cool
    I just get old model gurus echosex t7e ( still fit around what to use yet
    ) in all tube amps side .
    It's sound great. Textures sound amazing got set sound up work of it . Clean are beautiful.
    My other Pedalboard my Trailer trash 40" case that next project.
    Use s/h G2 two blueamp mercury
    Got two plan it out . Ideal came to me to use 16" pedal Lifters so add room on Pedalboard put blueamp
    Under it put delay &other pedal on the top .like your Pedalboard You can tilt it back in access what underneath it but this going use plywood base Similar to your one
    Keep low because my in case keep it Compact I want wet & dry set up keep some Simple. I like gurus echosex on it sound so great
    Very 3D dimensional in sound but run 12ma @500 work out power
    It got own power. supply with it Hided or routed away use power Strip at back . I have Found new plywood will get more room 50 or 60 mm still got work out all it .
    This my last last do it , 6 time redo it they all work well This time's very ambitious set-up one Pedalboard
    Two speakers cab lite neo speakers. . Man love your Pedalboard Small but not Tiny
    That parallel mixed box great ideas
    Wonder fix one on this Pedalboard I'm do
    ?? Thank for video rhett

  • I completely feel what you're trying to say. It's so sad that It's so difficult to justify why some of us prefer to step away from soul-less amp modelers… I've spent so much money into modelers, never found something that really satifies me. But when I plug my Mesa Quad, I could play all day long. Maybe it's just that they are not perfect, or maybe it's the UI, I don't know.

    I can't make up my mind. Since when true amps started disappearing from stages, I often see very good guitarists with very thin sounds or harsh high frequencies that makes them annoying. Hearing a good rock or metal band coming out just from the PA it just makes me sad.

    Moreover, all those "big tech" that are selling themselves as the panacea to every problem and calling people "boomers" because they don't replace analog with deep learning models would die sooner or later. Every company eventually does. Then If you need someone to fix one pedal in your pedalboard, many people could do it. If you need to fix a 2k€ DSP… well, that's more complicated.

  • To be honest tho also, I just switched from Helix to a traditional pedalboard again. I still use Tonex so not a real amp, even tho Tonex goes into my poweramp and 2×12 Mesa cab. But I just noticed how much fun I'm having playing with pedala again ????

  • the amount of plosives on the talking sections are seriously off putting, try a windshield next time Rhett

  • This is an XTS infomercial. They quoted me $1,000 to build a pedalboard around a handful of pedals that I already owned and would provide. EDIT: That's a shit ton of labor!

  • It's too convenient, I'll give you a month or two until you get bored feeling unchallenged and go back to primitive signal wiring.

  • It’s all just tools. It’s not a competition. Pick the workflow you like. Digital is by far king to me.

  • This is out of left field . But I just re watched the episode of you and Josh going through lesser known overdrives. Look for a reverent drive train 2 not the drivetrain. Paired with a black face fender ts9 or 808 fuck that! Try this

  • He answers the question at 29:55 and to summarize, it's because he prefers playing with a real amp and pedal units ¯_(ツ)_/¯
    Saved ya half an hour. Still a nice video for looking at some guitar gear, but summaries come with the territory lol

  • I went all digital this year and Im really happy with it. There is so much posturing among a lot of guitar influencers/youtubers, nobody wants to be the guy with the digital rig in his videos and then have to follow that Pedal Show or Uncle Larry.

    The biggest lesson I've learned as a guitar player is to stop caring about what other people play or like.

  • How'd y'all solve that issue at 10:52? I've got a Source Audio Collider hooked up for midi and when I switch patches on the switcher, even if the preset stays the same on the Collider, it does that dip/lag thing.

  • you have too many pedals pal, you only need 4 or 5 , Use your fingers to get your tones

  • so instead of going "fully digital," you'll instead spend a bunch of money on digital effects, then pay top dollar for some sort of "boutique" tube amp, then run that all into a microphone that goes to a digital console… got it….


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