Monday, March 10, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

Why Pore Filler Has Got To Be The First Step Before You Paint ANY Guitar

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Original score: Electric Boogie Dawgs & Jim Jamm Jimmy
Artwork: Joy Kaminski & Paul Shellooe

#Pore #Filler #Step #Paint #Guitar

Originally posted by UCrik4MK7fHh2gRNgyZOmKIg at

30 thoughts on “Why Pore Filler Has Got To Be The First Step Before You Paint ANY Guitar

  • Mr. Toast… how does staining or dyeing factor into the process here with the filler. Everyone dislikes filling pores, but staining and filling or filling and staining is the worst… lol!

  • Hey guys serious question here, I'm very interested in getting in to this for my personal use, and with the cost of all the supplies I wanted to know you're opinion on the entry level kits they sell at harbor freight. For $100 it's a tiny little compressor that is "constant run" and it says it can keep a constant psi range during use. With 0 experience in airbrush/spray guns was wondering if this would be sufficient for doing guitars with? Typical spray guns say you need like 30 gallon tanks to do cars, but for just a guitar would this not suffice? Thanks for any input

  • Question: is pore filler the same as what is referred to as sanding sealer?
    I see poeple using one or the other, but you're applying both. ????

  • Is there a way to seal an open pore satin finish? My friend has a Fender Dhani Harrison uke that she didn’t know what open pore because it only said satin wherever she read the specs. Is there a way to seal it over the paint so she can use cleaning products from Music Nomad instead of plain water? I used a satin cleaner without knowing it was open pore and it ate away the paint and made hundreds of tiny dots. Thankfully SW replaced the uke under their warranty, but would love to know if there’s some way to fill or protect the paint after the fact. Sometimes dirt gets on the paint that needs more than water to remove easily.

    She also has a Tim Henson TOD10N that says it’s Satin but I also suspect it may be open pore too.

    Any thoughts? Or is there nothing that can be done after the fact to protect the paint and make cleaning easier?

    I know it’s less money for companies toh sell guitars with open pore finishes and some people really like them, but does it really cost them that much more to do? Like are they also applying it by hand or is it possible they have machines doing the work? Thanks for showing us how you apply a pore filler! Even if people like satin finishes, every guitar should have the pores filled. Makes it easier to maintain and keep the guitar clear.

  • That's definitely a nice feature of the Simtech UV cure. Some of the other ones take two weeks to fully cure (even though they say they're dry in 24 hours). Great video!

  • I have had good success using the simtec EZ sanding sealer as a pore filler and sealer in one. If brushed on instead of sprayed I can usually get by with just one coat and I'm done. Level sanding is a bit more work since it was brushed on but the fact that It doesn't take multiple coats saves time altogether. You're the ones who made me aware of simtec so thanks for that

  • Solarez is a brand, not a product. They make several different finishes that are appropriate for wood working, and many that are not.

    "I cant believe its not lacquer," works great on guitar bodies, and comes in three viscosities: grain sealer, brush on, and spray on.

    It's good stuff, worth getting a small sample kit to test and compare. Youd be doing the home building community a favor to definitively rule it in or out in a fair A/B comparison.

  • any links to that uv light? and the uv filler? and what wavelength uv light does it take to cure this filler?

  • Do you all ever use contrasting wood filler? I heard Gibson used to put a darker filler in its mahogany backs to really emphasize the grain pattern. They would then sand it down, only leaving the filler in the pores.

  • Ooh, from the opening, I can see that the "secret, undisclosed location" is actually a set in the workshop.???? The brick made me think you all were all broadcasting from Matt's basement.

  • Thanks for the look into this process.

    11:00 "…a little lighter…" — How much weight increase from bare wood to buffed top coat? Couple of ounces? (Not important really, just thinking retrospectively about the 100oz challenge, you probably covered it already.)

  • Another great video! Thanks for sharing your experience and advice with us.
    I’m preparing to make a fabric covered tele, based on your earlier videos. Would you take the time to prep the body to the same as you would for your typical finishes?

  • what exactly does this filler accomplish that others dont? getting the UV light involved seems needlessly complex but im probably missing the point

  • Your guitars have really stepped up. They've always been nice looking, but I love the latest efforts in your builds.

  • Hi Matt & Chris, great video! Question. What grade of sand paper do you use when sanding down the sealer? Thanks Peter????


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