Sunday, February 23, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Will this pedal get you kicked off your worship team?

We have heard it time and time again, that the dual rectifier is not the tone for worship, and we would agree that some of the tones in that amp wouldn’t be great for worship.

In this video Nick dialed in a worship tone from the new Universal Audio Knuckles amp pedal. It is modeling a 92 Mesa Boogie Dual Rec! It does the hard rock/pop punk thing AND it does worship. Let us know what you think! We thought it actually sounded really great for worship and could absolutely be used!–universal-audio-knuckles-92-rev-f-dual-rec-amplifier-pedal

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00:00 We got a new amp pedal in
0:31 Jason tries his best to guess what it is
2:20 The reveal – UA Knuckles
3:46 Why I think it’s good for worship
4:45 Hard Rock/Pop Punk sounds
5:25 Clean vs not
6:15 Using the app
6:59 Sunday Sounds to Punk Rock
8:28 Jason recorded with a dual rec in the year 2000
9:08 How I set up the clean base tone
12:35 Easy to use
13:11 Jason awakens the Seattle grunge in him
15:28 Highlighting things that “aren’t” supposed to be in worship

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#pedal #kicked #worship #team

Originally posted by UCKc-iDo7IlgduUFve_t20OA at

43 thoughts on “Will this pedal get you kicked off your worship team?

  • I’m not the biggest fan of UA’s app, I had the Ox Stomp and it was a pain to connect and use the app, sometimes I’d turn it off and come back and the sounds I made or saved where different.
    Hope they fix it or get better at that side of it

  • It's crazy that I knew right away what amp that was emulating. I play a Roadster at church and ADORE the cleans I get from it. There's a certain deep lusciousness to it.

  • ???? and let us know what your signal chain is pedalboard wise, what's going into what in other words?????

  • Most people would laugh at my pedal board: Empress Compressor mk2, Wampler Pantheon dual overdrive, Eventide H90, Meris Mercury X. Nice, right? But my favorite pedal at the core of my tone? The pedal that i replaced My Quad Cortex with? The Boss GX100. I really don't need anything else. The GX100 has very low latency, super flexible footswitch assessment, and over 100 Boss effects. The best piece of gear i have ever purchased. God bless

  • Ah, now you know that a rec can work. I've used a single rec for decades in church.

  • I find that a lot of of hi gain metal amps actually have very nice and clear clean channels. In fact, if I ever need a clean sound, I typically go for those first.

  • …in the year 2000, dual-rectifier amps will be in a shoe box and you will control it through your telephone…
    In the year 2000…..

  • When did Praise and Worship services become havens for Sunday morning wannabe “rock stars” instead of about worshipping and praising God?
    Big screens, skinny jeans, and fog machines, along with the new trend for church bands to sound like the latest mundane (learn how to strum only 4 or 5 chords and you too can be a rock star) alternative or grunge band, kinda’ leaves most of the true reason for the Praise and Worship of our Creator lost far in the distant past… somewhere.

    No, I’m not some back woods — southern country gospel is the only music God accepts — Pentecostal church goer who hates other styles of music other than what I “feel” God allows or rejects. I am a professional rock/pop musician who has been in the business, both live and as a session player, for more years than I care to count at this point in my life, in the secular world. I have no problem with most styles of music for Praise and Worship, as long as the Praise and Worship is real, and not some excuse for Sunday morning “rock stars”. And having seen my fair share of Sunday morning/evening and Wednesday night services around the country, I’ve seen far too much of Praise not being about our Lord and Savior in many services, but rather about showing-off, entertaining, and being entertained.

    I’ve actually seen arguments between church band members over who’s the most popular and/or talented in the “band”, or whose gear is the best. Last time I checked, none of the above is appropriate for church services, because it all misses God’s point by miles.

    The world is not becoming a better place in which to live for the most part. People are missing the point, dying, and going to hell… and that is the most serious of topic on Earth I can think of. Jesus is coming back soon if the world continues as it has been, his top priority is saving souls from hell, and Sunday morning rock concerts are not convicting those who happen to be visiting, who know little about Jesus, and are looking for change in their lives… because it is only making people feel better and entertaining them. Not all churches with so-called “modern music” are failing those who are lost, but most are. Rock Concerts are NOT for real faith-based services.

    Services are for saving the lost, for building the spirits of believers, for hearing what God is truly saying to his people, and yes, for worshipping God the Father and our Savior Jesus Christ… giving the ultimate sacrifice of praise and thanks — feelings and personal preferences [and definitely] egos aside!

    Not ranting… just becoming VERY concerned at this point in history. Please, leave a blatant atmosphere of rock/ pop concerts to the secular world!

    Otherwise… thanks for the vid.

  • I ran a dual recto in church for the last 20 years. (It was a tremoverb, so not so metal looking). Worked great for that role, modded the fx loop to series to make it more useable for wet effects. Sold it a year ago and got a g20 when my church at the time wanted to go silent stage. Sad thing is, the director decided we needed to sound like bethel and bought a helix and David hislop presets and said it was non negotiable that I had to use it and not my own rig, (he tried to sell it like he was doing me a favor), ultimately after a sit down meeting, it pretty much came down to he had control issues and didn’t like my sound (I played through both the recto and g20 much like you guys did in this video, wasn’t shredding or anything, played to fit the songs). So that was the end of playing there. Sad. It wasn’t the only reason, but it was kinda the nail in the coffin when it came to all these extra requirements they were making. It no longer felt like a church and felt more like I was a hired gun for a secular band (while not getting paid).

  • To get out of a rut, take an amp that sound soft and make it sound heavy. Also do the heavy to soft.
    Take extreme opposite and use your ears and finger to get what you want.
    Most worship use vintage clean amp, but then drive them and put ton of drive pedal before, that pretty much the same as a high gain amp.

  • Why do worship teams use ambience,reverb and delay to such nauseating effect?

  • Recently got a UAD Lion, and I’m just amazed how many tones I couldn’t get over the years because I thought I’d had to stick with the Vox chime-y thing instead of just using what I gravitated towards. It’s part of the genre to cover a certain sonic territory, but being dogmatic about there being only one way to do it is the enemy of innovation.

  • Dude, I started on my worship team playing an ESP Warlock with a Metal Zone pedal through a Vox haha

  • Pedal sounds awesome! Also love seeing alternative verb and delay pedals on your board instead of just a Bigsky and a timeline ????

  • Back when I played at a church I got some disapproving comments about the imagery on my wren and cuff 70s tri pi and EHX pitchfork

  • Its funny I used to go to church, play in a worship band.
    Hate and consumerism have no place in church. If I hear one more tattooed thing collector preach about the evil of homosexuality I might actually snap. In movies the demon can't go into the church, in real life I think they might be running them.
    If your church is fancy and preaches differences not similarities.. You might want to consult the manual..
    Fun fact the nfl will pay $800 million dollars to coaches
    There are less than 400 million americans. We are prosperous but not giving. To buy is American to share is communist..
    This is easier than nailing stuff to church doors which I'm sure I'd be prosecuted to the full extent of the "law"

  • now what would happen if worship players practiced guitar instead of willingly staying in that "I've been playing for 2 months" level their entire lives?

  • I have a Caline Red Devil on my board (repainted). Sounds like a trip-rect, I use it just for Planetshakers stuff.

  • Played three Alex Lifeson amps for my sound (with the usual chorus, delay, reverb and compressor) a couple of weeks ago in church, from my new TONEX Pedal (a Christmas gift from my two sons). Sounded great. I don't think anyone in the congregation really cares what you play, as long as you're playing for The Lord … I mean, with SOME restraint on metal, lol.

  • Back in the mid 90s I had the 2×12 Trem-O-Verb 100W dual Rectifier combo. We recorded a whole indie album, both guitarists, using the amp. We went straight into the amp, no effects of any kind apart from a Wah. It sounded great and it was pretty versatile and I also went straight into the amp when playing live/touring. In its flight case it was ridiculously heavy!! Fun times. My back is grateful that I now use a Quad Cortex!

  • This is actually genius, You can have Old school Planetshakers Dirt tones up to Elevation tones in one pedal. love it

  • The “TC” pedal is a TC Electronic integrated preamp. It’s a boost circuit that’s been discontinued for quite some time. Meshuggah popularized it in their music. The TC was unique in that it took high voltages, 18v was common but you could push it to 36v.

  • I threw a wrench into the typical guitars, pedals, and amps when I joined our worship team. I was playing an RG550, Jem, and Tremonti signature through a JCM800 preset and winging it. Now, I run stereo with either a Divided Duo or JP2C on one side and Twin Reverb on the other and play a strandberg from time to time. Notes are notes and as long as it sounds good and fits the mix, who cares how we get there.

  • When I first got back on a worship team a couple years ago, I used a mooer 005 which is based off a 5150. No one knew, as long as I stayed on the blue channel ????

  • That tone at the beginning is a Dual Rec sound that I could NEVER get. The rest of it of those sounds are spot on! Good job for UA. I'll take Mesa tone and beyond!


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