Thursday, March 6, 2025

43 thoughts on “YAMAHA BB735A vs BB435 Comparison | 1 minute review

  • I've always been a Fender guy (own +20 Fenders/Squiers in all sorts of pickup configs), but I'm intrigued by some of these Yamahas. Time to try one?

  • Can anyone comment on the difference between string tension and/or playability given that the 734/5 has a string through body? I want to know if this is any significant gamechanger. I would replace the stock bridge on the 434 anyway. Also, they have different nuts ( 😀 ), but this probably doesn't make a huge difference.

  • Hi, from my ears, the BB435 sound more natural and have more bite in the sound. The 735 is amazing as well but a little too cold for me ! Nice review btw !

  • I have the BB735A… it's a beast. Passive it sounds great. I would only use the active Eq for slap bass or some really deep lows for reggae or really makes a difference with the eq. Other than that….it's Passive for me! running to to Mesa D800 bass preamp Di.

  • 435 показался интереснее, хотя он значительно дешевле.

  • Keren abis kaga ada obatnya masbroooo… Mau tanya dong, ane kan biasanya suka sama bass pasif, apakah mendingan beli BB735 karena lebih bagus dan komponen2nya lebih premium & aktif, apa cukup beli BB435 yang pasif aja? Trims ya!

  • Nice. I could really tell a difference in how tight the low end sounded when you when to the B string. Sounded a lot more focused on the BB735A.

  • Thought I was gonna clearly settle for the Yamaha BB434 (Fender's Player/Performer Series just can't compete with Yamaha's most recent BB line price-wise unless they start marking down accordingly like they should've done already, lol), but considering its traditional yet unique body shape I'm wondering if I ought to give the 5-string variant a go. In terms of the 735A/435 comparison, I'm not really much for active electronics so the 435 is the one I'm gonna wind up gravitating towards. I'm an old-school passive player, anyway. Both are truly exceptional quality basses that will satisfy just about any discerning taste at a more-than-reasonable price.

  • i cannot hear any real difference. I bought a 434 in black with the maple fretboard and i just love it. And I'm going to buy another one with the rosewood fretboard just for shits and giggles and because i love these basses that much. And i have an older 414 in rasberry red and I'm hanging on to that forever too. Before i bought the 434 i had originally bought a player series fender jazz in white. I took it back to the shop the next day as it was a dog of a guitar..dead spots everywhere. So i bought the 434 instead. And let me tell you..there is no comparison. My 434 runs rings around the fender and then some!
    I would not buy a 734a even know it costs only $100 more here in Australia. I just don't like active basses. I like things nice and simple. And if i need to boost or cut a frequency, i just go to my amp. But i never really need to do that with my BB's. The sound great as is. I just EQ my amp according to the room I'm playing in when we do sound checks and thats about it. And i always get compliments on how warm and fat my tone is. What more could i ask for. These basses do everything i want and feel so nice to play. And you don't need to be rich to buy one!
    If i ever have enough dollars one day..i will not hesitate to buy a Japanese made pro series BB too. That would be a dream come true for me!

  • The video sound seems to give the BB735 more bottom end and clarity across the spectrum but is it worth the extra $$ ??
    They are fairly close.
    I might even be happy with the BB235.

  • A few months ago I picked up a bb435 , I went to buy a bb735 but the only one available was the black "stealth" version which had a juvenile look about it , black tuning keys are a bit much . I did play both and although not wanting to buy a cheap bass it seemed like the 435 had a bit more vintage vibe to it although had the 735 been in a sunburst I would have opted for it anyway . I was given my first bass in 1965 and have collected all of the desirables but the last few weeks I've camped out with the 435 . It is a ridiculously good deal for a youngster and I doubt that any old dog would have any complaints . I replaced the scratch plate and went to GHS Precision steels mediums , seriously good choice , solid B . A real outstanding machine for the $$ , Fender couldn't touch it

  • BB735 just sounded really professional, there was something about the sound that appealed to me way more than BB435. While 435 is a phenomenal bang for your bucks and sounds very good, it's still lacking a bit of what his big brother's got in abundance.


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