Monday, March 3, 2025

Yamaha FG820 12 String Acoustic Guitar: Quick Review – Part 1

The FG Series is a top seller, affordable, and made in China. I take a quick look at the PROS and CONS of the FG820 12 String acoustic guitar and share the results. Watch Now, and let me know what you think? For a sound demo of this guitar watch the video called “Yamaha FG820 12-String Acoustic Guitar: Sound Demo – Part 2”, on this channel (Link: #YamahaAcousticGuitars #12StringGuitars #YamahaGuitars

#Yamaha #FG820 #String #Acoustic #Guitar #Quick #Review #Part

Originally posted by UCuUx2_gkjSjZcaEkKHbSLRw at

20 thoughts on “Yamaha FG820 12 String Acoustic Guitar: Quick Review – Part 1

  • I've had that guitar for years and absolutely love it! Big sound, clear crisp sound, rarely gets out of tune unless the strings are new. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

  • I have a Yahaha 12 string made in Taiwan in 1986. It sounds great. No,electronics too. Stays in tune well, and has lots of volume.

  • Thank you! You have just given an excellent review and covered things that other reviews hasn't. Thanks so much. Again, excellent review!

  • Wow a reviewer who actually shows us the back side (of guitar) and the back of the neck. Nice one. I wanted to hear you playing it though, because it sounds like a good bargain.

  • Thanks for this video! I've had Yamaha FG411-12 from summer 1996. Its only lack were quite soft frets, and repair shop here in Finland changed them to more durable ones. Matte neck? In my FG411-12 it was worn polished because I play it every day. So, it does not matter to me, it is even not the most important thing in a twelver.

    I prefer thin string sets and I tell ya that I degraded my clip tuner a bit: from 440 Hz to 432 Hz. If I have heard this video properly, FG820-12 has solid top, isn't it? If so, the quality and ringing is told be better than in laminated top, as in my 411-12. But in my opinion (64 yrs old ears too!) the difference is not so significant…

    I play in home and to my friends. My guitar is really very much played, and me and my twelver have together long way…! I fell love in twelver in my teen yrs.

  • As someone who learned to play on a 12 string, one pro of having a 12 string: You get REAL good at tuning. Too good on some days. I'm hyper sensitive to minute tuning subtitles and it can be something that drives you crazy. Unless you're already crazy like me, then you

  • Have you changed the nut and saddle of this guitar yet? And by the way, how do you remove the nut? It seems to be glued on my Yamaha FG800. I tried forcing it out, but it is tight and I was afraid of damaging my guitar.

  • Can I ask if you replaced the nut and saddle and if so where did you purchase them? Was the nut already slotted for the 12 string? And what about the comment about the matte finish neck becoming polished after playing, that made no sense to me at all, I have Taylor with a matte finish, Washburn, played them for years and they stay matte lol; thank you! Great review!!!

  • Good review you have a great flair, perhaps you might do a video on Tuning, Setup and tips about 12 Strings. Well best of luck and thanks for uploading and sharing you knowledge.


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