Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Yamaha FG830 vs Martin D28 // $300 vs $3000 Guitar // Cheap vs Expensive

In this video, we compare the cheaper Yamaha FG 830 to the much more expensive Martin D28.

Leave a comment and tell me which one sounds better. Is the Martin worth the EXTRA money? Or is Yamaha the better value?

SHOP the Yamaha FG 830:
Reverb: https://reverb.grsm.io/yamahaFG830
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3I5tXeW

SHOP the Martin D28:
Reverb: https://reverb.grsm.io/d28newandused

VISIT: https://reverb.grsm.io/thisguitarchannel

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#YamahaFG830 #MartinD28

#Yamaha #FG830 #Martin #D28 #Guitar #Cheap #Expensive

Originally posted by UCrC1jC60XtYo7G-FmBL0ciA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHZ71WrEtFs

44 thoughts on “Yamaha FG830 vs Martin D28 // $300 vs $3000 Guitar // Cheap vs Expensive

  • I have the FG730s and I love it. I don't play well enough to justify paying for a D-28 although it does sound better than the Yamaha. Great review and playing. Thanks!

  • I am a Breedlove fan, but have a Yamaha FG 461S and when I got it set up and dialed in it is one of my favorite guitars especially for the price, mine is a mid 90's model and has seen allot of gigs over the years. thanks for the great review.

  • Over the past couple of years I have learned that, dollar for dollar, no guitar brand beats or even matches Yamaha. For 20 years I was a "Taylor only" guitar player (I've never liked Martin)… but since that company changed ownership the quality has gone down and the price has gone up. I can take half the money a 514ce or Martin D-18 costs and buy a Yamaha that will blow either of them out of the water….

  • Greetings, I'm in Australia. We pay a little more for product here. I've already ordered my new FG830, it has the cutaway and electronics. It's getting bone nut and saddle fitted at Manny's. I thought your review was ok for the sound difference and naturally the Martin was a tad superior but very happy with my choice to get the Yamaha. It would have been good to compare feel of the necks, action and how they actually were to play as well as the sound. To me playability is right up there with sound and tone and you never mentioned any of that. I both flatpick and play fingerstyle, Both fantastic guitars but I'm sure they play different. I still liked the comparison and your video but I need more information than you are giving.

  • Why buy a good guitar for 300$ when you could buy a cheaper american one for 3000$, make american funny again ????

  • It is not 3k better. But it is much nicer and better attention to detail than the friend from the East.

  • It isn’t just the sound to take into consideration, it’s the playability. My first guitar was a cheap Yamaha. I learned on it but when I got a more expensive guitar ,later in my playing experience the difference became obvious. I can play bar chords easily on the more expensive instrument but still can’t on the Yamaha even though I’ve made a few adjustments. If you are learning, get the cheaper one. Later on upgrade a fret more experienced,

  • I looked for months for a budget rosewood dreadnought guitar.
    When I picked up and played the fg830 I did not hesitate to buy it in the spot . I’ve owned high end martins and Taylor’s and they sound good and made well but you really can’t beat this Yamaha for value and tone .

  • The Martin sounds better–nicer tonal qualities, not at all brassy like the Yamaha. Still, I'd buy the Yamaha for affordability and, believe it or not, headstock beauty! Martins are better than Yamahas, for sure, but the 830 offers exceptional value for its resonant and high quality sound. Great open chord depth on the Yamaha, and open chords are all I play. Thanks for the fine demonstration!

  • No it isn’t . The Yamaha sounds very good . I’ve been playing for 60 years and was in the market for a new guitar . I’ve owned and played many top of the line guitars . With Martins specifically , I could not justify their price period. I wend down the middle of the road and cut out the middle man and tried a Zager guitar highly recommended from my cousin . Never heard of them until I ordered their ZAD80. And immediately fell in love with this guitar . The hole experience and package blew my mind . And the price was wonderful . Just as good in quality and sound as all the hype higher ends . Just love it.

  • The MArtin's sound is a little bit better but not a night and day comparison. The Yamaha's price is a light years cheaper than the Martin. If you are not too wealthy then stay on earth but if you get the money enough to go to Andromeda, OK get your Martin.

  • Had a couple of old yamahas.they were war horses. They took a beating and still held up.never had to tweak the neck.not an astounding tone but balanced. Obviously the Yamaha a cheaper guitar however they were built well and really held up. The only thing that bugged me about martins..some models..didn't like the neck.the truss rod makes a V shape in your hand. Both nice guitars but considering the price difference there's something to be said for the Yamaha.

  • The Martin definitely has a sweeter low end and a nicer high end. I have a Yamaha and love it but I can't afford $3000…

  • At some point you may come to the decision to gift yourself a nice guitar when that happens you’ll want the Martin over the Yammie. And, at some point maybe playing outside it might rain, or your instrument might be stolen or damaged. Whn that happens you’ll shed fewer tears if you chose the Yamaha. Also you might show up to a jam with a whole roomful of D-28’s, you’ll have a unique axe and a thicker wallet. Oh, and then there are campfires….

  • Which active pickup would suit the best to play on stage with the fg830 ? I was thinking LR Baggs Anthem vs Anthem SL vs HiFi or other.

  • Playing at home, BBQ stuff , coffee bars, and pubs….NO-ONE would know the difference. Get the Yamaha. A no brainer.

  • The Yamaha FG-830 was my first guitar and Imstill,own it. A Martin D-18 was the last guitar that I have bought. The Yamaha is a great guitar for what it was designed to do, and that is to be an INTRODUCTORY or BEGINNERS guitar. It fulfills that roll admirably. My D-18:is not a D-28, but it is a professional level guitar. Martin Co. calls them “platinum level” guitars, just like the D-28. There is simply NO comparison between the two.

  • Recently bought a late 50's Yamaha classical, solid wood, it's spectacular. Whoever built it knew exactly what they were doing.

  • It's hard to judge because the audio quality of your video isn't very good. However, I think my Martin HD-28 sounds better than either one of these!

  • Sorry. I’ve had a Yamaha FG335 for 44 years, have played a number of Martins but the low end is a lot better on my Yamaha. Great guitars, both of them

  • Each has its place. I do a lot of jamming around drunk people. I don't make a living or go to open mics. The FG830 would fit just fine. It is louder and has more projections for playing out to jams and outdoor stuff.
    I play for my own enjoyment at home where the D28 would shine.
    Playing expensive instruments outside…the sound goes out but the difference is not noticable. You did the comparison in a studio environment where the difference is notable. The living room is not a studio and sound does funny things. I wonder what the "real world" use is worth the $3000 price tag ($4300 in Canada).
    I have played guitars in the sound room in the guitar shop that l loved until i got it home.

  • ,

    Dünyanın neresinde yaşıyorsanız yaşayın,

    (üst kapağı laminant olmayan gerçek masif ağaç) bir gitara ihtiyacınız varsa ve Martin marka bir gitar alacak kadar çok paranız yoksa ,

    mutlaka ve mutlaka bir Yamaha FG800-FG830 serisi alın(fiyatı190 dolar) allıca bir karar vermiş olursunuz,

    asla ve asla pişman olmazsınız ömür boyu mutlu olursunuz böyle bir gitar aldığınız için..

    size söz veriyorum bana dua edersiniz, bu gitarı aldığınız için..



  • No question the Martin sounds better I would think to most ears… but since I am not wealthy, I think the Yamaha is a great alternative…!

  • Properly set up and intonated, an inexpensive guitar can play well and sound pretty darn good, particularly with a pickup.
    Learn to do it yourself from YT videos and you can set up your own guitar inexpensively. Intonation is the hardest bit.

    Price is not the prime determinant. I like my Takamine F400-12 for playability better than my D12-28 and both sound really awesome. Both well set up but the feel of the Takamine neck is just better to my hand. Same price ratio as in the above comparison but about 10% difference in perceived sound quality, imperceptible to most listeners without a trained ear.

    If it plays and sounds good that is the primary factor, but quality matters for reliability of use.

  • Just to bring a new angle to this discussion. Are those string comparable? Maybe a 3K guitar would normally carry a better quality set of strings that for sure give a better sound.

  • the martin sounds a little better to me but not 2700 bucks better, i could buy 10 yamahas for the price of a martin, I would buy the yamaha a spend the rest on lessons

  • To me, it boils down to quality of construction rather than wood or even design. A well-made guitar, even with laminate construction, may sound better than a guitar made from premium rosewood with subpar construction. Yamaha implements superior quality control, which is why the 830 sings praises.

  • The biggest thing you can get done with any acoustic is get a great setup right away. It makes a budget guitar good and an expensive guitar great. Spend the extra money to get it dialed in.


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