Monday, March 17, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Yamaha THR II Series Review (THR30 & THR10) | Better Music

The three previous THR10 models have been replaced by the new THR10II! All previous models are in the THR10II. Need more? Well, the THR10IIWL has a rechargeable battery and wireless receiver built-in! Still not enough? The new 30-watt model THR30IIWL has the wireless option, rechargeable battery and stereo line outputs!

Shop THR30IIWL ==
Shop THR10IIWL ==
Shop THR10II ==

#Yamaha #THR #Series #Review #THR30 #THR10 #Music

Originally posted by UCoDExnYAIjAVnHZE2uGxYRw at

34 thoughts on “Yamaha THR II Series Review (THR30 & THR10) | Better Music

  • Whatever you do, dont buy the cheaper gimmicky Positive Grid. Mine bricked out and PG's customer service gave me the total runaround. Plus it had a boomy sound. I ended up getting the Yamaha THR30II.. It was a huge mistake to pass up this amp for the Spark 40 as it was cheaper, , , BAD IDEA!

  • Best purchase that I've made in years = THR30II (black). Incredible "Cleans" and nice-effects & Van Halen tones. Love it !!!

  • I see no option on the editor to adjust the rate of speed or parameters for tremolo or Flanger, I called the Yamaha corporation and they don’t know either.

    I noticed on the two minute and 12 second mark of this video, I don’t know how you did it but a screen popped up on the editor for effects and I noticed Flanger and tremolo was listed.

    Are you able to click on that box select in effect and modulate it yourself?

    If you rely on adjusting it manually on the amplifier itself, even at the lowest setting, The tremolo is way too fast and unusable in my opinion.

    I’m just curious what you did to get the effects screen to pop up?

  • No batteries forget about taking it to remote locations. The old thr10 has batteries and plug it.

  • A guitar player who can’t pronounce “echo.” And some people think drummers are stupid. Classic.

  • Hi there, can you confirm it has DELAY as an effect please. If it doesnt does some other THR include DELAY ?

  • Does anyone know if it has a headphone port? I’m in a dorm and I need to play quietly at night

  • Anybody have one of these? Does the distortion channel get the same metal sounds as the THR10X?

  • Get the 30, then get a used Mac Laptop Pro, probably $300 on Ebay , download Garageband for nothing, get some semi decent headphones and have a ball. 🙂

  • which one do you prefer, THR10C or THR10ii? (for clean slightly breakup tone) thanks

  • I have two questions, if there is a stereo mini plug out on the 10 and if they both run on the same wattage while on battery, do I really need the 30?

  • Is he really that thick? Couldnt even read the word echo. Typical slayer fan aswel, long greasy hair….neck beard….camo shorts….and a fuck load of body odour.

  • Thanks for the great review, just subscribed. Just a quick question, can it go real quiet without messing up the tone? Or the only way to go quiet would be with headphones? Thanks again!

  • You are the only guy on youtube that addressed my question: can you use it as a bluetooth speaker? I'm in the market for both a home guitar amp and a home stereo and I was wondering if I can just buy this as a 2 for 1 thing and save some money. Plus, this looks AWESOME as part of the home decor. Thanks Bob!

  • I bought a THR30 a month or so ago and am quite disappointed in it. I was hoping it would be essentially the same as my THR10 (which I love) but with a little more power and body. And perhaps it would be except that at anything over very moderate levels there's some kind of buzzing/rattling sound that seems as though something in the cabinet is a bit loose and resonating. This is mainly a problem in the lower end, but it makes the amp pretty much unusable for what I want. 🙁

  • Hey excellent review.
    Please your sugest.
    I want buy THR10x but dont responce.Yamaha have THR10II.What the different beetwen this twice.I like brown sound with 10x but new 10II dont have that.What understood thay must conect a d download some aplication.Is this true.
    Thank you

  • I bought the thr10c….absolutely impressed. So bought the thr100hd thinking it would be as good only bigger ,for bigger venues. Cant seem to get as good sound from the 100hd as the 10c. Kind of disapointing. Going to try this one i guess.????

  • One of the most important necessity of a guitar amplifier is to be able to switch from gain to clean via footswitch. That is crucial,otherwise, you cannot perform a gig.
    Did'nt notice it mentioned, but is there at least a footswitch alternative to the memory preset buttons?
    Any footswitch possibilities at all?

  • With these nice thin single coil you can't feel antnything about how it really sounds. No big deal 98% of the reviews are made with fender guitars and single coil ;)=


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