Monday, March 17, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Yamaha THR5 Amp Review

My first Amp review! I had to make it a good one, and that it is. This small amp absolutely rocks! Truly killer tones! I apologise for the audio not being to my usual standard, I was not in my usual setup so just had to improvise! I hope that the sound on the amp shines through.

The Yamaha THR5 is a 10watt powerhouse. The range of tones is beautiful, and even with this Ibanez Artcore you can still get a sense of how this amp feels. It is amazing, I can’t rate it highly enough. It essentially simulates a valve amp, and for the purists, you may not like it, but I am impartial and just think it rocks.

What tones are your favourite? For me, it is ‘crunch’ for cleans, and ‘Brit-Hi’ for lead!

00:00 Intro
00:35 Amp settings
01:06 Crunch / Dirty Clean
02:10 LEAD (Blues)
02:56 Brit-Hi (SOLO)
04:08 More Lead Tones
04:40 Modern (HIGH GAIN!)
06:10 Verdict
06:37 Outro Solo (ALL Settings)

#amp #review #guitar

#Yamaha #THR5 #Amp #Review

Originally posted by UCG4rGgsi34fen8Ar2THseOA at

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