Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

Yamaha THR5 (The BEST Practice Amp In The World?)

Yamaha THR5 (The BEST Practice Amp In The World?)
The Yamaha THR series is regarded by some as the best practice amp there is. Here I check to see if it is. I also mention the Roland Micro Cube, which I’ve previously thought was the best. Do I still think so? Watch this to find out.

This Yamaha amp has been around for a while, but it’s managed to evade me for some reason. That’s no longer the case. Hope you enjoy the video.

0:00 Intro
1:10 What I’m trying the THR with.
1:20 Price and features
1:52 Clean
2:26 Crunch
3:15 Adding chorus, dropping delay & reverb
3:36 Lead channel
4:10 Brit Hi channel
4:47 Modern channel
5:10 Adding tone
5:51 Comparing Modern & Brit Hi channels
6:07 Some opinion
7:14 Comparing to the Micro Cube
7:52 Some THR5
8:15 Benefits of the THR5
8:43 Conclusion
9:40 Outro jam

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#Yamaha #THR5 #Practice #Amp #World

Originally posted by UCvlPdKSXxjPAQ2jwYgKEJ-A at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBWFYHlmq94

20 thoughts on “Yamaha THR5 (The BEST Practice Amp In The World?)

  • I got the bigger THR10C. It sounds great with my Ibanez RG. With my Jaguar, it just feels lacking for some reason.

  • Oh look it's the subpar guitar player who's passive aggressive poor emotional health shines through like a turd????

  • From what I heard in the demo, there's nothing in the least wrong with the tone of this amp. If I can buy it second hand and save a hundred bucks, I'd buy it without even thinking. ????????????

  • If you want high gain sounds please don’t buy this amp. That’s why Elmo doesn’t like it. He wants a Marshall stack sound out of a practice amp. You will never find that sound with a practice amp. Just setting yrself up for disappointment. ???? The THR amps are great for new players. I got one when I first started playing and I loved it to death. Ended up trading my THR 10 to a guy for a Fender J. Mascis Jazzmaster he didn’t know the value of and I do regret getting rid of it. Everyone has an idea of what the best sound for an amp is and Elmo likes gain. Yr not gonna chug with a Yamaha THR5. ✌????????

  • Great , helpful video , I bought one recently got a great discount on new one , I totally agree on the crunch and lead . Very underwhelming in fact that’s why I watched your video to make sure it wasn’t broken , I love the Brit hi and effects , what I really like best is the way it sounds w/ my boss metal zone mt -2 , I just love the tone . It sounds a little better than my Boss 7 w mini amp which I love , but not $ 110 better . It’s a good amp, way overpriced

  • watched guitar anime. protagonist has cool tone. protagonist uses yamaha thr5, on my cart now

  • Going to get one, I have a Roland Microcube, but these look cooler! Is your neck sculpted?

  • Just got mine today. It's not producing sound. Everything's hooked up, good cables, only time it makes noise is when I plug in the aux for a split second.

  • Used 2 different guitars ..the yngwie fan boy strat surely has Yngwie pickups. Di fferent guitars . AND WHY does this guy do NOTHING BUT SHRED…can he not play a chord to let us hear …its all wank wank wank speed speed wankery .. dude has 1 speed and a 1 trick pony looks like. YAMAHAS great stuff

  • i dont like any amps ,i have tried them all , all the well known brands and to be honest ,every single one of them was a pile of shit !! …i have 9 electric guitars , 5 Gibson les pauls ,a 2 Fender strats and 2 fender telecasters but no amplifier ..so i make do by practicing acoustically …which is good as for one ,i can play late at night without upsetting the neighbours ..2 i put more effort into practicing the guitar and not messing with amplifier tone knobs ..3 it saves me a lot of money ..plus not using electric which is costly ….i have played with no amps for 20 years now ..yes i have tried all the latest practice amps in guitar shops over the years ,and still never ever buy one because they are all a pile of shit.

  • Hehehe I think I got more carried away listening to your playing. That was a lot of awesome sounding riffs, licks or whatever they are called. I am a noob, just looking at this video coz I am looking for the next amp for my son playing a telecaster. I don't think my hearing is good for these sounds because I thought it sounded amazing what you were doing. But maybe your talents as a guitar player overpowered the amp 😉

  • Buddy, it would help the gain issues you’re having with this amp if you had a high output Humbucker!!


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