Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Yamaha TransAcoustic CG-TA Classical Guitar | Quicklook

Check out the incredible CG-TA from Yamaha! Imagine if you had a classical guitar with effects built right in. No amplifier; no nothing. Well, that’s what we have here! A classical guitar that can sound like it’s in a beautiful hall with dialed in reverb, and more. Check it out!

#Yamaha #TransAcoustic #CGTA #Classical #Guitar #Quicklook

Originally posted by UCAC5L-3QJVmEmjeSq7cPDuQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLcd6Ee-FVk

11 thoughts on “Yamaha TransAcoustic CG-TA Classical Guitar | Quicklook

  • Las pilas se agota en un suspiro. El diapasón destiñe el color y el sonido por linea es plástico nut son plástico Yamaha cada vez peor calidad no paran de subí precios.

  • I discovered this guitar a week ago .. I’m now waiting on delivery , I think I’ve finally found a replacement for my C40

  • No disrepect to this fine player, but I wish they'd hire a top quality 'classical' guitarist to demonstrate the range of the instrument. There must be thousands of them who would appreciate the work.

  • Any idea whether Yamaha is able to install this TransAcoustic on another selected Yamaha Guitar instead of this custom set? OR this TransAcoustic be able to purchase separately? Appreciated of your information!

  • If Sam Ash will consider sponsoring me, I will gladly compose/perform a combination piece that will showcase the true capabilities of this remarkable instrument. In my opinion this technology will change the way acoustic guitars are considered & categorized. THANK YOU YAMAHA!

  • This is really cool this is made! Wish you played some real classical music on it as opposed to finger style guitar to hear how it handles that technique! Either way great playing and sounds like a great guitar!

  • Very nice guitar even without the electronics. But I love the sounds that you can make. The reverb was great and when he added the chorus it really sounded, to me, outstanding. I’m just starting to record my playing and having some effects with the guitar will really do right by me. I don’t have a lot of money but the street price is $650 and affordable. You can’t go wrong with Yamaha products. I have found them to be built well and high quality. Your mileage will vary.


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